first encounters

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" problem...Thank you,mam,your son is in good hands ".said principal naidoo as he walked out of his office with a woman and a tall school boy who did not show any attentiveness tto the conversation.I sat behind the tree waiting for the principal to go back to the office.The woman got into a silver grey mercedes and drve towards the gate.
As soon as the principal went back in the office with the boy i ran as fast as i could toward the grade12 block.

"Miss baloyi!" i heard a very familiar voice which made me stop immedietly."stop.turn around and come back here"
Mr naidoo was a very good principal.nice and he was was cool,he knew when to be strict and when to be funny i liked him.but at this moment i dont know how i feel about him.
"You are late.again." were the first words that came out of his mouth when i got to where he was standing with a medium tall structure with big brown eyes,thick manly brows and the most cutest small lips on guy ive ever seen and...
"Thats twice this week".he cut my thoughts.
"Im sorry sir,i swear today its not my fault my transport broke down and i had to walk to school and..."
"Save it,im gonna let this one pass cause you are going to escort mr steyn to his class"he said handing me the class schedules.
"But sir,i am already late i cant b...."
"But go before you waste any more time."

Uhhhhgg just what i need, another lecture from a depressd l.o teacher i cant be escorting people who are one term late to class he is cute but not enough to get me late.

"Would you slow down!" He finally spoke to me as i was hurrying up the steps towards our class.
"If you want to make a good impression you'll have to pick up the pace" i said not turning my back,luckily we share a few classes starting with l.o which was basically a free period,the teacher does nothing but watch youtube videos the whole period and gives us notes that we wrote in the last four years of our life.

"Ms baloyi.we are glad you could join us please take a seat and lets proceed with the last minutes that we have..."

"Uhm...i am with the new student..uhm didnt the principal tell you."

"Oh good,he did and i thought he was coming,why do you think i called you by your surname" she said sitting down with relief "get in here and you! come to the front and introduce yourself" the class gave the new guy all the attention they could give,he looked at me as if he wanted to be rescued and i shrugged my shoulders and turned around  to my seat.he probably hates ryt now.

"Well go on now we dont have the whole day" mrs jacobs said.

" quintin steyn"
"Thats all?"mrs jacobs asked.
"Jah...i play cricket and...uhm i dont know what to say mam..."
"Where are you from,have you killed anyone,whats the craziest thing you've done, are you a virgin,have you fvckd anyone...things like that" the classed laughed along with quintin.
"Samkelo,stand up and go get a chair for quintin at the store room"
"What? Really mam?"
I stood up looking at him with a deadly look."thanks alot"
He looked at me with a sorry look while he was heading to my seat.


As me and my girls were chilling in our big tree a group of guys approached our direction actually there were three,it was the captains as they call themselves since werner is the captain of the rugby team,ace the captain of the soccer team and william as the nerd of the group is the a math atlete,founder of the chess club and president of the school plus he is not bad on the looks for a nerd.
"Hey girls,thought we'd pay you a visit since you miss us so much" said Werner with a smirk on his face looking at Analine knowing very well it makes her heart melt,just the thought of him talking to her makes her wet herself.she and Werner kinda had a thing,well in her head,Werner is a player and he has hurt her alot but somehow she thinks he will change,i mean how long are we gonna be comforting her since we've been doing that for two years and its getting really annoying.

"Wow you are so vain,arent you?" Said wonglee with a sarcastic smile.She hate werner and she didnt hide it.
"Stay carm lucy liu,we just came here to invite you guys to the party we are throwing for ace and the team for the victory over st peters boys high this thursday,if you dont want to come you'll be missing out cuz this time everyone is invited even the grade 11s...."

"We'll be there" Analine jumped in before he could even finish the sentence.
"Cool,see you there it starts at  seven....and be there" with the same smirk as they walked away.
"Really A?" I said with a straight face.and everybody fixed their eyes on her.
"What? He is my b.f we hve to go...besides its friday and we dont have class tomorrow"said with a smile
" are more stupid than i thought,cant you see this guy is only using you for sex,like what kind of b.f doesnt want to be seen with his g.f? You know what im going to my b.f,the one that  actually wants to be with me" said thandi as she stands up and walked away.thandi was always one to talk her mind which mostly got her into trouble with teachers.
"She does have a point you know"i said
"Yeah...maybe you should talk to him about that and if he doesnt want to change you dump him."added wong.but it looks like our plea fell on deaf ears because she just looked at us,picked up her food and phone and stood up "some friends you are...thanks alot for your kind and supporting words" then she walked away and stopped from a smaal distance."...f.y.i,it was a mutual agreement to keep it a secret,thats how much you guys give me credit"

"Oh shit,that was an intresting lunch break" wong said watchind Analine walk away.

We stayed until the bell rang and it was another two periods of torturing by math plus extra two hours of extra class.

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