heaven and fate

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The soft bed was a comfortable feeling, soft blankets brushing against my bare skin. I also loved the way they wrapped around Harry's long body, engulfing him into a white, soft heaven. It was a beautiful comparison: his tan skin against the whiteness of the sheets.

I didn't dare wake him from his beautiful sleep, instead deciding watching him would be much more enjoyable. His lips would twitch, or he would snore a little bit. At one point, he even said my name a few times. That made me wonder what he was dreaming about.

His hair was a long, curly mess on the pillow - and his face - covering most of his beautiful features, but leaving his lips and nose to please me. His beautiful, pink lips...

"You know, staring is considered rude in some places." he mutters into the pillow, turning away from me.

I pout, resting my chin on his shoulder, the warmth from his body radiating to mine. He was like a bear.

"I'm sorry. You looked peaceful and I didn't wanna wake you." I whisper into his ear, kissing just below it on his sensitive skin. I feel the smile creep on his face.

"It's okay. I'd rather have you staring at me than some weirdo." he whispers, rolling over and pulling me on top of him.

My naked thighs straddle either side of his hips, hands placed softly on his bare chest. He had boxers on, but everywhere else was free for my eyes to roam. Over every tattoo, every inch of beautiful, tan skin. It was an amusement park of sorts, filling my stomach with the same excited feeling.

"Are you wearing underwear?" he suddenly questions, pulling up the long t-shirt I wore. "Those are some short shorts." he winks

"It's more free." I whisper, winking at him. He laughs, pulling me down and kissing my forehead. He still won't kiss my lips. I craved his against mine, but I'd be patient.

"You're beautifully weird." he says, sitting up. I crawl off of him, falling back into the warm bed. I watch him walk from the bed to the bathroom, closing the door. The shower faucet is turned on in a short moment.

I stand outside with Harmony, his beautiful German Shepherd mix. She looked to have a bit of Husky; two beautiful dogs. She had a beautiful cocoa colored coat, which astounded me. She was beautiful, nonetheless. She runs wildly around his huge backyard, flinging dirt up and around everywhere. She was 6 months old, full features slightly beginning to show. Her deep chest, and her slightly lowered back; the common Shepherd stance. Although most Shepherds have upright ears, hers were still floppy. I loved that about her.

I hear the glass door slide open behind me, turning to see Harry standing there. His hair was damp, skin flawless. He wore a white t-shirt and sweatpants, holy socks covering his large feet. Typical Sunday outfit around here.

"Man, you must be heading to Americas Next Top Model." I tease, smiling softly when he comes up behind me and wraps his arms securely around me, chin resting on my head. He chuckles, swaying slowly.

"Only if you'll be coming along too." he whispers, kissing the top of my head gently.

Harmony finally notices that he's come out, running to him with a rather large stick in her mouth. She drops it on the ground, barking repeatedly before he finally retrieves the stick.

"So needy." he jokes, tossing the stick into the yard and watching her dart off.

"She's beautiful." I tell him quietly, leaning my head back into the crevice between his shoulder and neck.

"I knew she was the one the moment I saw her. The rest of the pups were cute, but she stuck to me like glue. It was obviously fate." he laughs softly, kissing my ear.

"Fate has a funny way of bringing two things together." I whisper, nudging my head closer to his jaw. I plant gentle kisses over the soft skin, closing my eyes.

Fate was funny.


This is lowkey a filler chapter, but I still like it. Vote, comment, and definitely share! Thank you for all the reads and votes, it means so much.


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