Zodiac Signs as College Roomates

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Aries - Jumps into bed and hurts a part of their body, promptly asks "did you see that?"

Taurus - Labels everything in the shared fridge as "mine," shared it anyway.

Gemini - Accidentally slams door at 3 in the morning, apologizes loudly.

Cancer - Is never home due to how many things they are involved in, is only home to eat pizza while watching Netflix.

Leo - rearranges everything in the shower according to how much soap is left in the bottle.

Virgo - Does homework due in a month, questions your work ethic.

Libra - Orders a pizza with everything on it to make sure they didn't miss your favorite topping.

Scorpio - Falls out of bed in hysterics and complains about all the cute people on campus.

Sagittarius - Spends the time they should be studying watching old YouTube memes.

Capricorn - Is silent for hours, and suddenly remembers something they were supposed to do three hours ago.

Aquarius - Looks from laptop on a Sunday night and shakes their head silently before getting back to what they were doing.

Pisces - Walks into a room and forgets what they went in their for.

Source - Google

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