the ranks

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alpha female: this is the leader or in thus case leaders.

alpha male: the alpha female alpha partners not mates just help lead the pack.

beta: they are second in command

delta: they are third in command. they and the betas job are to recruit when the alphas can't. also check on our allied packs. with or without the alphas.

head assassin: they train the other assassins. they also lead the assassins in battle.

assassins~ they are the strongest and main fighters of the pack.

head warrior: the strongest warrior, leads the warriors and trains them.

warriors: they protect the pack with all their heart, their like assassins just a little the ranks.

head hunter: head of the hunters, train and leads them.

hunter: they hunt food for the pack.

head.scout: they train lead the other scouts and patrol the borders.

scout: they patrol the borders and report any enimies to the alpha and their head. or whoever is.on.

den mothers: they take care of the pups.

pups: the future of our pack, the funny cute little.guys who make us smile in bad times.

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