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Sasuke felt a sudden pull as he and Sarada dropped on the ground. He cover her body with his, preventing her to get hurt.

"Papa?" Sarada peaked from Sasuke's arms, "Are we home?"

"I think so." He replied setting Sarada down. Everything looked pretty same. Buildings were same as he left. The hokage mountain had seven faces.

His breath caught in his throat as he saw the Hokage mountain. Granted, there were 7 faces but Kakashi's face wasn't there. In fact, it was...

"Itachi." Sasuke breathed out, "Holy..."

"Tomato.." Sarada finished. Sasuke gave her a appreciative look.

"Aren't you sad?" Asked Sasuke, "You won't be a first Uchiha Hokage."

Sarada gave him a smile, "If I got Uncle 'Tachi in return for first Uchiha Title then. I guess. It's worth it." Sasuke looked at Sarada with Pride.

"Papa, Is that Himawari's dead uncle, Neji?" Sarada pointed. Sasuke followed her finger and saw it was indeed older version of Neji running to the Hyuga compound with Himawari on his shoulders.

"Papa look!" Sarada gasped, "It's Jiraiya-sama!"

Sasuke mentally face palmed. There stood The perverted Sanin, checking out the local girls.

"Let's go home." He lifted Sarada. And started walking. He passed by Kakashi and Asuma, who nodded at them. He also passed by Ichiraku Restaurant and Holy cow! Is that Nagato sitting there. He quickly shunshin to the Uchiha Compound before he could have anymore heart attacks.

As soon as he appeared in house, he called out, "Tadaima!"

"Okairinasai..." He saw Itachi walking towards them.

Itachi tilted his head at the gaping Sasuke and realization drawn to his face as he spotted his necklace on Sarada's neck.

"I see."He chuckled, "Come in. I'm sure you'll have lots of questions."

Sarada dragged Still in shock Sasuke to the living room and pushed him on the couch before jumping on his lap.

"Apparently We made allies with akatsuki and all the other countries and before Madara could be summon, we fought Obito. I trapped him in my jutsu with Naruto and refused to let them out till Naruto knocked some sense into him. It too 88 years in my jutsu but here it wasn't even a minute. Then you and Naruto sealed Zetsu and for the extra precaution, destroyed the forbidden tree. Nagato became the official kage of Amegakure with his wife, Konan. I was accepted into the village again. In fact, all of the Akatsuki members were accepted into their respective villages." He took a deep breath.

"I was selected as the Sixth Hokage. The council was gotten rid of and new people were elected. They are Tsunade-sama, Jiraiya-sama, Shikaku-sama and after retiring from Hokage, myself."

"How did you convinced Pein-er Nagato?"

Itachi gave Sasuke a cheesy smirk, "Capture him and Naruto in my Jutsu again."

Sasuke gave him a disbelieving look, "You captured Both of them, knowing that Nagato could've easily capture the kyuubi.?"

"Of course not Sasuke. I made sure to keep him Chakra tied in the jutsu."

"And Sakura?"

Itachi rolled his eyes, " Of course you would asked that. She's still the same as you told us." He paused, "Oh by the way, let's keep this as our little secret."

Itachi gave Sarada a secretive wink and she laughed. Sasuke smirked at two.

"Okairinasai, Sasuke-kun." Pair of arms wrapped around him as he relaxed into the warm embrace.

"I'm home."

A/N: And that was the last chapter of the Story "Uchiha's Pride" . I might make some bonus chapters. Thank you for all the support and love you showed to me and this story..... love you...

P.S. If you want bonus chapters. Feel free to comment. I'll see what can I do.

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