Text Conversations (Science Class)

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Jessica: heads to Science -.-

Hannah: goes to locker, and then meets everyone in science

Jessica: uggh.. sits in a chair, groaning

Hannah: sits beside Jessica at least Franz is in a good mood..

Jessica: sighs in relief

Hannah: stares at the other seat beside her, and then looks over at the one beside Jessica Franz won't be in a good mood if Suga and Rap Mon end up showing up,to class late...

Jessica: ... texts Suga: Get over here before Franz gets pissed. He's in a good mood. Please..

Suga: Texts back No thank you...too much fun over here

Suga: Texts Also Rap mon says hi

Hannah: Wishes she had a phone to text Rap Mon Jessica tell Rap Mon that we won't give them any of our notes if they don't show up in class -.- knows that Franz is teaching a lesson that class

Jessica: text - Hannah says to Rap Monster that she won't show you any notes if you wont show up for class.

Suga: Texts Rap mon, says he'll get them from Taylor

Jessica: passes device to Hannah

Hannah: texts Taylor isn't even taking notes, she never takes notes in class XD you are screwed if you don't come down here

Jessica: steals   text- that was from Hannah

Suga: Texts Rap mon doesn't care. Neither do I

Suga: Texts Rap mon says he learned it already in Korea

Hannah: -.- they still have to show up for class.... is really pissed at them for not showing up, which will inevitably cause Franz to be mean

Jessica: shrugs Say he'll get a kiss or something.

Hannah: your phone...just say that I won't give him any physical affection for a long time or something

Jessica: you do itt

Hannah: ok takes phone and threatens Rap Mon -.-

Suga: Texts Nice try - Rap mon

Suga: Texts I don't think that will be enough to convince him

Hannah: Texts you think this is a bluff? Try me -.-

Jessica: I think her glare is scaring Mr Franz texts

Suga: I'm good, really, I can always catch up later. Besides you and Jessica need some girl time. And I need time with Suga - Rap mon Texts

Hannah: texts fuck you -.- Franz is pissed and is going to be taking it out on us because we are dating you guys

Suga: Since when does Franz know!? Last time I recall I didn't talk shit, about us - Rap mon texts

Suga: Texts Great...now he's moody

Hannah: It's kinda obvious when you are always trying to kiss me... texts

Suga: Texts I don't always try to kiss you. Never. I tease, you most of the time, and you say "Fuck you" and kiss me -.- - Rap mon

Hannah: ......... -.- well now I won't kiss you or let you come close to me for the rest of the week texts

Suga: Texts It's your choice. If you want to do that, then I can't stop you.

Hannah: it was his choice....because I am apparently dating a rebel -.- texts

Suga: Okay... -Rap mon Texts

Hannah: puts down Jessica's phone and pays attention to class, since Franz had just finished the attendance and was giving her and Jessica a look

Jessica: ...


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