Hell and The Above Dramas

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Suga: Goes up


Rap mon, and Kookie are with satan

satan: On throne Glad you like it

Jessica: nods

satan: Used to be fire, skulls and ruins....Now its this. The old renovations, were too....hot

Rap mon: Burned you, huh?

satan: Yerp

Jessica: The changes are nice ^-^

Jessica: Jungkook, your boyfriend is suffering up there. XD He's hiding under a table.

Kookie: Well...Chronos, is so cute...

Hannah&Taylor: Taught Jimin the language of their people

Jimin: is speaking in their language speaking this sounds funny XD

Jessica: .. Listens closely and now he's learned their language. Well, he's past the gone now.. or whatever Hannah says..

Suga: I guess

Taylor: speaks in grounder dialect also It only gets better from here

Kookie: Is still playing, with the black foofy doggy

satan: -.-

Rap mon: Wow....you can hear everything....and I mean everything. Walks to corner Here I can here, 2 people, having sex in France

Hannah: Also speaking grounder dialect Now you can be rude to people without them knowing XD and send them death threats...

Jessica: ... I'm not going in that corner.. walks and hides behind Suga

satan: Why in France?

Jessica: Are they yelling in French? o-o

Rap mon: Doesn't answer

Jessica: O-O

Suga: Oh yep. Yes they are Also in corner

Jessica: ... walks into corner .. starts laughing quietly

satan: -.- You guys are disgusting

Hannah: Christian senses acting up Someone is worshipping satan againnnn -.- texts Margy there are some stupid souls worshipping you...might as well give them what they want and take their souls.. -.-

satan: receives Text Kk

satan: I have an errand to run. stands from throne Rap mon, you're in charge. Don't go past, those doors Points, at 2 big doors, down the hall

Jessica: .. Okay then

Jessica: ... drags Suga out of corner yeah, that's enough XD

Suga: :| ok..

Jessica: Are you upset that I'm dragging you out? O-O

Suga: no.

Rap mon: In the far corner 3 people, arguing In Europe...

Kookie: What are they arguing about? Petting Hunter, the demon cat

Jessica: Okaay then swings their entwined hands a bit

Rap mon: Uhmm....oh? An affair? Interesting...

Suga: Oh?

Kookie: ...

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