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SO I'm gonna do this a little different than normal. instead of writing an actual epilogue I'm just gonna explain everything.

as we've all gathered Connor wanted to keep the voice in his head Troye didn't, he wanted real life Connor and to be normal.

So when they separated, Troye went crazy. He saw Connor everywhere, he was in and out hospitals and lost his ambitions. And the worst part was that the voice never came back.

During that time Connors voice hadn't come back either, but he toughed it out and kept hope.

then a year later Troye finally snapped and jumped off the bridge, deciding that death was better than a human emotion and better than Connors hatred for the real life him.

When Troye jumped, after he died, Connor got his voice back and lost all memory of meeting real life Troye. He continues to be happy, grows up healthy and loved.

Now, I think what the ending of this story means to me is more than what comes next.

You see, Troye started out so happy with himself. He didn't care what people thought or what they wanted. He was himself and he was educated of social things and was self aware. he wanted to change the world.

Connor on the other hand was reserved and just wanted of be left alone.

and it ends the opposite. Connor had the ability to take something beautiful and turn it into a tragic mess.

he tore this poor, innocent, kind boy apart and didn't know it. not even once.

then to add on to that, forgets of him completely as soon as he isn't breathing.

it's quite sad really.

here's the answer to the questions asked that I didn't answer in the explanation:

does connor ever find out about troyes suicide?
no, he loses all memory of real life troye as soon as he dies.

what happened to the Mellets after Troyes death?
they mourn the loss of a son and move on I guess

what happened to the Troye in Connors head?
he comes back as soon as Troye dies, and Connor doesn't know he ever left in the first place.

Connor, do you think you'll ever find love again?

Connor: yes, I think I will although it's going to be hard to find someone who accepts Troye and me both.

Troye, why do you always find a way to break my heart?

Troye: idk man I'm just a character in a book I didn't do it. blame baylee.

baylee: wow tro thanks

Troye: welcs

baylee- :,)


(thanks for the questions and the endless supports you angels)

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