Chapter 5 (Allison)

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I grumbled to myself as I rolled up the legs to the sweat pants, having already pulled myself back into the front seat and stuffing the dress in the trunk area. The strings on the waist were already pulled as tight as I could get them, even the shirt had been gathered at my side and tied in a knot, but the reality was that my body was too small for the clothes that would normally fit Aaron’s strong and sturdy frame. Not to mention the smell that was now assaulting my senses was far too warm and inviting….but it sure beat the dress.

“How tall are you anyway?” I asked more out of spite than anything else. How many times would I have to roll these pants up before they came above my ankles?

He shrugged as he leaned back in his seat. His eyes were still on the road, but even through that and the darkness, I could still see the hunger that his wolf had forced into them. I could see the way his fingers had tightened around the steering wheel, and the way his body had reacted to knowing that I had been undressing in the back seat, but the way that he had resisted the urge….for me.

“Five foot eleven,” he answered with a slight growl that made my wolf stir, “9 or so inches taller than you are.”

I sighed in relief as I finally managed to roll one pants leg to the crease just above my ankle, “That explains that length.”

I could see him glancing at me from the corner of my eye when I leaned forward and picked carefully at the pins that were stuck in my hair, using the reflection in the side mirror to help me. It wasn’t nearly big enough for the army’s worth of pins that Marie had managed to find the space for, and there were still plenty holding the curls in the back that were making my neck itch. What on earth was that woman’s obsession with making me look pristine?

A soft sound came to my left, making me jump when I realized that it was next to my ear, but when I looked back, Aaron was already settling back in his spot and the visor had been pulled down to reveal larger, closer mirror.

“Thanks.” I murmured and pulled back eyeing him warily.

“We can stop a couple of towns before Cheyenne and get you a few changes of clothes.” He paused as he forced himself to take a breath and relax, “Unless we find a Wal-Mart or something between here and there.”

My gaze sharpened on him, fingers hovering just above another pin, “You’re not buying anything for me.”

“Do you plan on wearing my sweats the whole time?” his brows lifted as he looked over to match my stare.

I grimaced, “No.”

“Then I’m buying you clothes.”

My lips pulled back in a sneer, “I can steal them.”

“Good luck with me around.”

“Is there something wrong with getting by?”

He lifted the corners of his lips and smiled at my retort, “There’s a difference between getting by and surviving, Allison. You survived for nine years, but you’re here with me and I’m more than happy to help you get by.”

“Oh, how sweet!” I rolled my eyes and wave my hands with false enthusiasm.

“Only for you.” He grinned.

“Whatever.” A sigh slipped past my lips as I pulled the last of the pins out and shook my hair.

I didn’t say anything else for a while after that. I figured that he would simply turn it around like he did most things in attempt to make me smile, or help me relax, and I would always keep my shoulders tense, looking away so that he wouldn’t know it worked.

Impending Mate, The Moltiare Collection: Bk2 (Sample)(Available on Amazon/SW)Where stories live. Discover now