Chapter 6 (Aaron)

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“Allison!” I yelled her name as I shook her shoulder for what would be the fifth time, but her pale face and glazed eyes never responded.

Growling, I slowed the car down and pulled onto the grass that lined secluded road that we were on. I stopped only a few feet from where the ground sloped and led down into a wooded area, wondering slightly as she struggled to breath, if the trees had anything to do with her visions.

I had seen her space out like that before, the pain and seriousness of the vision weighing down on her as she struggled to pull herself back to reality. Her face had gone as pale as it was now, and her eyes always indicated that she was somewhere else, but she was quiet and immovable as the vision caused her body’s functions to momentarily shut down. She had been holding Lilyia then, and I had to scramble to catch the both of them before they fell, but she had come back to the present so quickly then. Why wouldn’t it be the same now?

What would have happened, I wondered, if I hadn’t have been with her? If she had been in the wilderness, crossing the street, or near Vlamir? If she had become incapacitated while surrounded by enemies, would they have taken advantage of it?

Of course they would have.

“Allie,” I unbuckled my belt almost as soon as the vehicle came to a stop, turning towards her and catching her face in my hands. Her lips were starting to lose their color, her chest straining from lack of breath, and I could feel in my heart that she was starting to panic, “come back. Come back to me, Allie.”

Her hand twitched as she fought against what was consuming her, and as I shook her again she began to cough. The color rushed back to her face almost as quickly as she tried to suck in the air around her, and her eyes closed as her hands moved for the door, searching for a way out. She was pushing away from me, running from something or towards it, I couldn’t decide.

“Let me go. Let me out!” she finally managed as she pushed open the car door, stumbling out onto the grass as she pulled out of my grasp, “There are kids in there…kids…”

I cursed and jumped out after her as she struggled to find her balance, coming dangerously close to falling down the hill. There are tears streaming down her face, I realized, just as they had been when she had the vision about Vlamir’s attack on Marie, but her body had not yet regained its coordination. She was struggling to do something that her body didn’t yet have the ability to do. To help them.

“Allie! Slow down!” I took her by the waist and pulled her from the ground making her face me when she tried to push away again, “Slow down and tell me what happened.”

“There were kids in there Aaron!” she cried at me, still trying desperately to pull herself towards the woods, “They were in the car. They were drowning.”

“Drowning where…” I began to ask but my wolf was already barking for my attention. I tuned my ears to the sounds around me as I caught up to the early morning breeze and the distant sounds of a struggle. There was the faint sound of water closing around a large mass and behind it was a muffled scream.

Allison pulled away from me the last time and fell back onto the ground as I let her go, my mind already in a different mode as I ran towards the noise. After a moment I could hear her following me, but I was already searching for the signs that shouldn’t be there. I was looking for the signs that told me there was still someone to save.

I found it just yards away from where I stopped the car, a trail that started with matted grass and a crumpled street sign. Something had swerved from the road, almost as if they were pushed, and it had barreled down the hill and through the woods, the bumpy terrain not allowing it to slow down or stop. I could feel myself chasing after it, not knowing what I would find.

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