Chapter 1

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Choi Chunhe POV

I'm Choi Chunhe, but you can just call me Chunhe. I don't know how to describe myself, so let's skip that part, okay? Haha. What I can share, though, is that I have a handsome brother. /rolled eyes/ He's only a year older than me, but he acted as if we were five years apart.

Today will be my first day of school in Seoul. Before this, I used to live in America, so I'm happy that I can finally step back to my homeland. //sighs// I miss the Korean air.

"Choi Chunhe, you better stop talking to the mirror. We will be late for school! " My cute brother shouted. He's such a spoiled brat. I took my bag and ran downstairs.

"Morning, my beloved mom and hero dad." I greeted and kissed their cheeks.

"No morning for me?" My brother asked as he was pouting. Did he think that he was cute doing that?

"Morning, my annoying brother." I said as I stuck my tongue out. He acted like he was going to throw a spoon at me.

"Enough, kids! You guys will be late. " Mom said. I looked at my watch, which showed 7.05am. Wow, I have 10 minutes before the ring bell. I looked at my brother, who was still busy eating. He really has a big appetite. I envy him.

"What are you looking at? I know I'm handsome. " He praised himself as he finished eating.

"Yeah, really handsome until no one wants to date you." I replied in a boring tone, and he glared at me.

"Mr. Choi Chunmi, can you be fast? We're already late. " I added as he looked at his watch and finished his food.

After he finished it, he immediately ran to his car. Wow, he was really fast. I followed behind him. He drove not too fast nor too slowly, but just enough for us to not be late today. We arrived at the school. He parked his car and got out. I just followed him as we went to the office room to get our schedule. But on our way,

"Omg, that guy looks so handsome."

"Is that his girlfriend?"

"He's really lucky to have her."

"She's really beautiful."

They really said those things out loud. I heard my brother chuckle, which made me give him the 'What's so fuuny?' look.

"Many people mistook you for my girlfriend. " He said. Yeah, it was true. He never dated anyone because of this. No girl dared to come near him. Well, it was his fault anyway. Who told him to be clingy to me all the time?

"You're lucky to have me then." tauntingly

"Yeah, very lucky." He rolled his eyes, and we laughed together.

We entered the office and got our schedule. I tried to find my class, but it's not that easy. Omg, someone please help me. Why are these schools so huge? Has anyone ever gotten lost here? If not, maybe I'm the first one then. Mom, what do I do?

"Ouch." I fell to the ground. Did I bump into the Hulk? I looked at the person whom I had bumped into. There was a guy with a girl and many boys behind them. They stared at me like I was a potato. Euw, I hate it.

"What?" I asked.

"Apologise to him." The girl said.

"He was the one who bumped into me, so why do I need to apologize?" I replied, and they looked shocked at me. What? That was true. I saw the guy was going to say something, but I quickly cut him off.

"Anyway, I don't want your apology if you're not sincere in saying it. So bye. " I said and walked away.

Byun Baekhyun POV

This girl is really clingy, you know? When we walked to our class, I saw someone who looked like a lost child. I had never seen her before. Is it her? Was that the new student that people were talking about? Suddenly, we bumped into each other, which made her fall.

"Ouch!" I say. She groaned in pain. She looked at us after she got up.

"What?" she asked. Wow, she's a tough one.

"Apologize to him." The girl who was clingy to me said, Can't she just shut her mouth? She's really annoying. Luckily, we're not in the same class.

"He was the one who bumped into me, so why do I need to apologize? " She really has the guts to say it. When I was about to say something, she cut me off.

"Anyway, I don't want your apology if you're not sincere in saying it. So bye. " She walked away. She's really unbelievable.

We went to our class, and like always, there had to be people shouting and screaming whenever we walked in. Luckily, today the teacher came to class early, so we won't have to hear people shouting for a long time.

Before we start our lesson, I want to introduce a new student to our class. He said, and gave a signal to someone outside the class. All eyes went to her.

"Annyeonghaseyo, Choi Chunhe-imnida. You can call me Chunhe. I hope we can be friends. " She introduced herself with a big smile. I bet a lot of guys will fall for it, but not me.

"You can sit beside Byun Baekhyun," he said, pointing in my direction. She walked to her seat and sat beside me.

Nice to meet you again. "Choi Chunhe-sshi," I teased her.

This not my new fanfic. I unpublished this before so I'm going to publish back. Don't forget to check out my new fanfic.

Edited: 19Feb2022

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