Cutting Again

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I knew it wouldn't last long. I knew we wouldn't stay friends. I just knew it. I knew Nick and Andrew would screw everything up. Thank The Lord Nick didn't keep that 'Boyfriend and girlfriend' thing going. Jake looks at me like I'm some peice of dog poop. It's rude. Why won't he trust me? Maybe because no one will believe a girl like me. No one loves me, my parents left me when I was younger because they didn't trust me and they thought I was a waste of their life so here I am living alone hurt and unloved.


I got up from my bed and looked in my drawer for my knife. I finally found it and dug it into my skin. I was planning on never cutting again but it felt so good when the warm blood trickled down my arm or down my sides. When I was in the fourth grade I cut UNLOVED into my wrist. And when I was in the fifth grade I cut ALONE on my right thigh and WHY ME? on my left thigh, all the other cuts were just lines or X's. I let the blood flow out of my skin.

Then I heared "Abby?" And a knock at my door.

I quickly put my knife away and put on a bandaid.

"Coming!" I said then opened the door. I never put band aids on my cuts but I didn't know who it was so ya.

I opened the door to Nick and his mother.

"Hello Abby. We are here to tell you that this house is being taken away from you." Nick's mom said.

"W-what where am I supposed to stay?!" I asked looking at the floor.

"With us" Nick said with a huge smirk on his face.

"No" I said shaking my head.

"Yes" Nick said as he grabbed my arm and dragged me out of the house.

"Can I atleast get my things?" I asked wanting my knife most of all.

"No I'll get it later" Nick said yanking me, I hadn't noticed I was standing still and not walking. He dragged me into his house and up the stairs.

"Where am I supposed to sleep?" I asked almost falling as he dragged me up the steps.

"In my room. Duh!" Nick said rolling his eyes.

"Oh no no no no no!" I said stopping in the hallway.

"Oh yes yes yes yes yes!" Nick said yanking me but I didn't budge.

"You know I would love to lay in my bed so if you don't hurry the freak up!" Nick yelled coming a little to close to my face for my liking.

"Get out of my personal bubble" I said pushing him but he didn't budge. "Your going to pop the bubble" I said pushing him harder. He finally moved and he dragged me on the floor to his room.

-Night Time-

"Time for bed" Nick said turning out his light. Suprisingly he hasn't hit me yet. The thing that I was still mentally scarred about was when he kissed me. Eww!

"Whatever. Ya know your floor is so uncomfy" I said suprised I have never been able to talk to him unless he hits me or tells me to say something

"Hmph" he said then I fell asleep.


I woke up to a seven your old boy looking at me.

"Hewwo" the boy said with the cutest baby voice.

"Hi" I said sitting up.

"Are you Nicholas's girlfwiend?" The boy asked. His name is Nicholas? Ha!

"No I'm staying her for a while. And you are?" I asked the boy.

"Dilan get out of my room!" Nick said as he finally woke up. Dials scrambled out of the room and I suddenly felt nervouse.

"Morning Abby" Nick said a smirk tugging at his lips.

"H-hi" I said looking at my feet playin with the hem of my shirt.

"HEY NICK WHERE ARE YOU?!" I heared Andrew say from down stairs.

"IN MY ROOM!" Nick screamed back. Andrew jogged up the steps and barged into Nick's room.

"Well hello there" Andrew said as he spotted me. I didn't answer I just kept sitting there.

"Have you hit her yet?" Andrew asked sitting on the bed next to Nick.

"Not yet" Nick said with a wink.

"Come sit on the bed." Andrew said patting the spot infront of him. I slowly got up and sat on the bed. Andrew grabbed my face and pulled it closer to his.

"We're going to love having you here" Andrew whispered in my ear. Then he smacked me across my face.

"Do you want something to eat?" Nick asked me walking to the door. Again I didn't answer I didn't trust my voice at the moment.

"Answer me when I'm talking to you" Nick said punching me in my jaw.

"N-no thanks I'm not h-hungry" I said looking into my lap.

Nick left the room and left me with Andrew. He has been acting weird, it's like he ate horny-o-s or something.

"I really like you, you know that right" Andrew said moving closer to me. I could smell the alchohal on him great he I drunk!

"Please stop" I said moving backwards. Have you ever heared of someone being drunk at 10:00 in the morning because if you havnt meet Andrew say hi Andrew!

"Do you love me?" Andrew said bringing me centimeters from his face.

"N-no" I said trying to pull away from him.

"Wrong answer" He said punching me multiple times in my face. Then in my stomach.

Hey I hope u liked it. This chapter was kind of ehh. But whatever! Comment like and all that other chiz! Love u all


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