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A/N: HEYYYY! Did u all think I was actually done writing this story?! Ha! Well anyway I wasn't so ya! Here goes the new chapter! Oh and before I start I want to dedicate this chapter to @ShailaJacocks cause she's awesome (and married to Niall Horan so back off her man!!!!) Not only is she awesome! Today (September 6th) she took me to my husbands concert and by my profile name I'm all sure you know who it is! Bruno Mars! She took me to his concert! EEEEPPP!!! Anyway here is the new chap! It might be short sorry!


"We'll she tried to kill herself as you know. And...." The doctor said looking at his papers.

"And?!" I asked getting annoyed with this horrible doctor.

"Well she either succeeded with her plan or she didn't" The doctor said standing there staring off into space.

"Ok. Listen and listen hard!" I yelled. "Is the girl dead or not! And I swear to god if you don't answer my question your going to be the next one on life support!" I yelled at the top if my lungs.

"Nick calm down everyone is looking at you" my mother whispered harshly.

"I don't give a crap! I want to know if Abby is dead or not!" I screamed even louder this time.

"Listen sir. My daughter she is trying to sleep so if you could lower your voice just a little. I'm sorry that you don't know if your girlfriend is alive but please keep your voice down" some random mom said.

"She isn't my girlfriend" I whispered only so my mom the other mom and the doctor could hear.

"She is in room A55" the doctor said sitting on a chair.

I ran around the hotel until I found the room. Where is it?!

"Hello m'am do you know where room A55 is?!" I asked as I spot a worker.

"No! Don't ask me anything! Ugh!" The worker hissed.

I flipped the woman off and continued to run. And finally I found the room.

"Abby?" I whispered getting weak at the knees seeing her like this. I can't believe I did this to her. I started bullying her because I like her. I don't understand why I bully her. I was going through a hard time with my family. It was the First Grade I think.

___Flash Back____

"You ruined my life!" I heared my mom scream at my father.

"I should have never married you!" My father screamed back at my mother.

"I want a divorce! Now!" My mother said pushing my father out the front door. I just sat there coloring in my coloring book. Letting the tears fall out of my eyes.


"My parents got in a fight again" I said to Andrew. "They are getting in a divorce. I can't hold it in. I need to hit something." I said starting to shake.

I walked over to Abby and punched her. It felt so good to hit someone or something by it didn't feel good to hit my crush but it was to late.

____End Of Flash Back____

"N-Nick?" I heared Abby say. I was on the floor crying.

"Abby?" I asked rasing my head.

"P-please don't hurt me" Abby whispered scooting closer to the wall.

"I-I won't hurt you anymore I promise....

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⏰ Last updated: Sep 08, 2013 ⏰

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