Chapter 2

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I panicked. I spilled a perfectly created green tea mocha on a perfect boy with a denim attire, whilst I was frantically rushing to help my brother, Luke. I'm just in utter shocked when I saw my own cup slowly disappearing from my bare hands and in that moment I'd knew I could never forgive myself.

"I ruined my coffee and a cute boy" I thought to myself. It wasn't before the feeling of guilt passes through the veins of my body when the boy asked me to buy another cup of coffee with him. "Do I need to spill coffee over cute guys to get their attention" I questioned. As I slowly went inside the coffee shop, the guy mutters something that seems to be the words

"What's your name?"

"Ruby and very sorry to spill that coffee all over you." I replied instantaneously.

"Well, Ruby and very sorry to spill that coffee all over you, I'm Grayson and it's okay. Besides, cute girls don't tend to spill coffee all over me anyways." He answered.

I couldn't help but giggle. His words were cliché but he does it in a way that's charming, magnetizing and different. Grayson had brown hair like a fine autumn day, ocean blue eyes like the cascading sea that's surrounding Paris, and lips that would make a girl's heart melt to pieces. I'm just not sure what the churning feeling inside my stomach were, it's just that whenever he smile, the way he curls his lips, how his cheekbones raises, how his dimples show, makes her feel the way that she does. What was that feeling? Was it anxious? And if so, for what?

The barista shouted, "Grayson Blue!", and all I can think is how this person knows the heartbreaker guy next to me. Grayson shrugged, he didn't wanna be noticed, his cheeks and ears were amber red, a sign of embarrassment.

"Hey Calum, nice to see you.", he said with a slight tone of sarcasm hidden beneath those words. I really appreciate people like that, able to have that sense of sarcasm in moments of embarrassment.

"So, what would you like to order Grayson..." Calum slowly turns his head to see me, "....and the girl who just ordered a green tea mocha in less that two minutes ago?".

A burning red was plastered all over my face as I turned my head down, flustered. Fortunately, Grayson saved me from Calum.

"Yeah, it's on me. I'll have a chai tea and she'll have a caramel mocha" Grayson suggested.

For a guy, he has the right taste for coffee. I nodded in agreement and sat down at the nearby table. Surrounding the tables were beautiful words cascading throughout the coffee shop. I see the stars decoration lining up on the ceiling in a way that'll make you wanna know more. The walls were so vintage, 1970's inspired wood, with every detailing done to perfection. I stood silent, staring at the beauty, that's whispering, "Behold".

After a period of time, Grayson came and sat next to me with our coffee and tea, politely gesturing me to drink. I took a small sip of that burning hot coffee, with a sweet sensation that comes over it. The taste were so exquisite, aromatic and delicious. Grayson was staring at me, and my stomach started churning.

"He's melting my insides right now with his stares" I thought to myself.

"So.... you wanna play a game of questions and answers?" Grayson asked.

"Sure" I answered.

"What's ur favorite song?"

I was slowly thinking cause in my mind i see a bunch of songs that I find "addicting". Twenty One Pilots, Bruno Mars, Ed Sheeran, Taylor Swift.

"I love Twenty One Pilots, but if your talking about songs that symbolizes me, it would be Photograph by Ed Sheeran. Sometimes I feel like Twenty One Pilots dedicated the song 'Ruby' to me."

He laughed. "Yeah, Ruby your royalty in your homeland and they all call you queen. Very pleasing". Our eyes connected for a split second and I felt a billion stars crashing , we're holding the weight of a million sins, but we're just kids with burden burning on our backs.

Grayson continued asking me. "What's your favorite book?".

"When I was 5 years old, my mom and grandma were obsessed with old books, they believed back in the days books were much more poetic and more pleasing to them, so I started reading and one of my favorite books were The Loved One. I remember this very important quote till this day". I breathed.

"God set her brave eyes wide apart,
And painted them with fire,
They stir the ashes of my heart,
To embers of desire."
I recited.

Grayson's eyes widened, I could tell he was taken aback by those words, it was something he's never heard of before, something that was ancient and couldn't be translated nor found in modern books, adolescents find "interesting".

"Wow, I guess old books are poetic and has a certain level of refined class and emotions" he said.

I asked. "If you could describe me as a quote what would it be?".

Grayson paused. I was almost certain he wasn't going to do it until he answered.

"Do you see the array of flowers that's sitting on the edge of that table, breathing beauty?"

"Yes, why?"

"They're just pieces of grass to mankind, sitting on the edge of paradise, but to me they're like you, beautiful, extraordinary and rare, like shades of blue that mankind envy" Grayson quoted.

Our moment were cut short because suddenly the door was barged open, by a girl with brown hair, amber eyes, wearing a fur coat with her chihuahua trying to flirt with the barista.

I sigh heavily. Alyssa. I see her trying to pretend that she didn't bring her purse and asking for a free coffee from the barista. This is painful i thought. To my surprise, Calum was smitten and gave her a a perfect man-made brewed pumpkin spice latte.

"Let's go" I said quietly, trying to make sure he doesn't know I'm on the run from my friend.

Grayson turned around, ready to leave when he saw Calum and my friend Alyssa. He sighs, "Your friend?". I nod before hushing him and we'd agreed to leave quietly.

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