His Friends

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"Do you top or bottom?"

Taehyung looked up from his laptop, turning to the boy lying next to him and raised an eyebrow. "What?"

"When you're doing your videos or just having sex, do you top or bottom?" Jimin asked as it it was a normal, serious question.

"Well.. I've topped a few times but I didn't like it so I just stick to bottoming. It's more enjoyable for me being a bottom" Taehyung replied, the older suddenly groaning.

"Fuuckkk~" He whined, his head falling into the pillow.

"What?" Taehyung questioned, quite confused.

"That just makes me want you even more. Ugh, what the fuck are you doing to me Kim Taehyung?"

The younger rolled his eyes before returning back to his laptop screen. Jimin needed to calm his hormones. "You asked the fucking question, gosh..." He mumbled.

"Another question. Do you have sex only on camera or have you had sex with people off camera?" Jimin asked, causing Taehyung to let out a sigh, turning to face him once again.

"Why are all your questions involving my sex life?" He questioned with a small frown. "I'll stop when I get to be apart of your sex life" Jimin replied, Taehyung rolling his eyes.

"Not that it concerns you, I don't sleep around with others unless it's for my job" He stated to which Jimin smiled slightly. "Good. At least I'll be the first one to change that" He said, earning a light slap on the arm.

"You're way too overconfident.."

"Nah, I'm just sexy"

Taehyung placed his laptop to the side as he stood up out of bed. "As much as I'm enjoying this conversation, I'm gonna leave. I'm going to shower" He said, taking off his shirt and throwing it in the corner, walking over to his drawers to grab a towel.

"Can I-?"

"No, you can't join me"

Jimin pouted as he watched the younger leave, taking in as much of his half naked body as he could. He let out a small groan, pulling a pillow on top of his face. "Fuck my life.."

After a while of just laying down aimlessly, Jimin finally decided to sit up again. "Taehyung-ah, I'm using your laptop!" He yelled, grabbing the laptop from the side. The younger okayed it so he continued to do what he was doing.

As he turned on the laptop and typed in the password that he forced Taehyung to tell him, the internet browser flashed on screen for what Taehyung was previously searching. Jimin's eyes widened at the search results.

"What the fuck..?" He mumbled to himself as he stared at the screen. "Is this what he aspires to be in life?" He raised an eyebrow, heaving a sigh before deciding to just pretend like he didn't see that as he tried to figure out how to speak to Taehyung about this.

But Taehyung's life choices weren't really his business.

Shrugging it off, Jimin typed in a website for porn as he grabbed his headphones.


"Aish, stop masturbating to my videos in my bed! I sleep there" Taehyung frowned as he threw a pillow at the older.

Jimin chuckled, taking out one headphone as he looked up at the pink haired boy. "Wanna join?" Taehyung frowned, drying his hair with a towel.

"No I do not"

He walked over to his bed and grabbed his phone, reading a recently received message. While he was doing so, hands slid around his waist and pulled him down onto the bed causing him to shriek.

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