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After getting over the surprise element, Jimin smiled into the kiss, his hands resting on the younger's hips, pulling him slightly closer. He couldn't have been any happier than he was now. Taehyung's arms snaked around the older's neck, further deepening the kiss.

Jimin leaned back against the wall as he took the younger's bottom lip between his, lightly sucking on it. Taehyung let out a soft moan, his lips parting slightly, allowing Jimin to enter his mouth, entangling their tongues in an effortless battle.

After kissing for a good few minutes, the pair pulled back in order to breathe for a few moments, their foreheads resting against each other. Jimin smiled to himself as he held onto the brunet's hand, interlocking them. "I'm your guilty pleasure?" He questioned in a quiet, almost whisper like voice.

Taehyung nodded his head as he was playing with Jimin's hand to keep him distracted from what he just did. He was shocked that he was brave enough to do that and that he finally realised what Jimin meant to him.

"Good. I'm glad that I am. That means you're finally mine, right?" He lifted his head to look at the younger who hesitated a little before nodding his head. "And.. You'll quit?" Jimin didn't know if he should bring this up so early since it was a sensitive topic but seeing that Taehyung was here and willingly with him, he knew he must've thought about it.

The brunet let out a sigh as he looked down at his lap. "Someone told me that my job is easily replaceable but someone like you, someone who cares about me so much, isn't so easy to replace. So yeah, I'm going to quit my job"

Jimin couldn't be any happier than at this moment. He grinned widely before pulling Taehyung into a hug. "Thank you" He mumbled, holding on to the younger tightly. "But Jimin," Taehyung spoke, pulling away so he could look into the older's eyes. "I have one last shooting tomorrow and.. I'm gonna have to do it before I quit officially."

Jimin's happy expression faltered slightly but he tried to keep everything as positive as possible since he didn't want this moment to be ruined. "Are you sure you have to do it?" He questioned, Taehyung nodding his head. "Even if I tell them today, they're going to want me to do tomorrow's shooting since it's already scheduled"

The older simply nodded his head, deciding that would be the best option at this moment so he wouldn't say anything stupid and ruin everything. "Okay. But I'm coming with you tomorrow, alright?"

Taehyung furrowed his eyebrows at this. "Are you sure you want to be there whilst I'm filming?" He asked, not sure whether or not this was a good idea. "Yeah, I wanna come. Besides, how cool would it be to go to a studio where porn is shot?" Jimin grinned, Taehyung rolling his eyes. "Really, Jimin?"

The older chuckled before wrapping his arms around Taehyung's neck and smiling at him. "Sleep with me tonight" He said, the brunet frowning at him. "Yah, that's the first time I meant that without a dirty context" Jimin defended, causing Taehyung to chuckle a little.

"Okay, okay. I'll sleep here tonight" Jimin grinned, pushing Taehyung down to the side, allowing him to lay flat on the bed before crawling on top of him. "I'm so glad to have you" He said, leaning down and pecking the younger's lips. "I'm so glad you became my roommate" And another quick kiss. "I'm so glad that you changed me for the better" And another. "I'm so glad I fell in love with you" And another.

Taehyung blushed slightly as he shyly looked to the side a little, his smile never leaving his lips. "Why are you suddenly being so cute and cheesy?" He mumbled, Jimin brushing the younger's fringe out of his face. "Why, do you miss the overconfident and perverted Park Jimin?" He smirked.

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