The player

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Marc POV:
It's been a while since I've seen Jamie,she changed ,she became taller and maybe I think that her cup size change too.😏😏
Well hi you may already know my name is Marc Perez and I'm far in love with my middle school best friend,Jamie,if only she knew.😔
Anyway I'm going to my first period class Gym.
So as I walked inside, the whole gym was loud, I looked around.
I keep turning my head to look for someone I know.
Then there she is the girl of my dreams, I walked over to her ,"oh hey Marc","hey Jamie",we talked for awhile until we had to go to the locker room to change,"hey are you and that Asian girl dating?",a guy came up to me and asked,"nah,we are just best friends from middle school ",I answered back "oh ok ".
I finished changing and got out,I looked around,no Jamie,😩 so I decided to just talk to some of my guy friends,after awhile some girls came up to me and asked if i had a girlfriend,my answer was no so another girl came up and asked if she was pretty,I said yes,the another one came and ask if I was good at soccer,I said yes again then finely another girl came up to me but this girl was different, yes she was my dream girl."I see you are still the ladies man" she said sarcastically,if only you knew how much I want you to have feelings for me too," haha very funny,I know that I'm hot but those girls can't get enough of me",I said with a flirty look," eww who would fall for a player like you!", she shouted ,"hey that was before I met you",after I said that I left ,leaving a blushing Jamie.

~Flashback ~
There standing was a small 12 years old boy who was cheating on his current girlfriend ,boy when she sees this her heart is going to shatter.
Anyway as I was saying the boy ,going by the name Marc , was making out with his friend girlfriend while ignoring his girlfriend's call."We are totally going to get busted if they found out ",the girl said while still kissing the boy.About 5 or 10 minutes later the boy stopped leaving the girl in shocked,"we're through ",the boy said with out even looking at the girl,"b-but",the boy interrupted her and said that she was boring and her lips were getting tasteless,after he said that the girl left crying.
The next day when the boy when the boy went to school all of his friends were ganging up on him,"YOU STUPID SON OF A BI***,YOU HAVE NO RESPECT FOR US!!",the guy in the middle yelled,he was his friend who was dating the girl who he broke up with,"You will be sorry for forcing my girl into dating you!! ",the boy was coming closer and picked up a hammer and was ready to hit the boy , then suddenly "WHAM!",the boy closed his eyes ready to take the hit,but it never came.He slowly opened his eyes he saw a girl in front of him with her arm bleeding from the hit of the hammer.the boy started panicking he looked up and saw that the other boys had already left, not wanting to get in trouble.
The boy look down again and saw that the girl was asleep from the pain.the boy got her off the floor and carried her to the clinic,the nurse wasn't there so he waited for her to comeback and stayed with the girl.
The boy started observing his savior,she had blackish brown hair,a small button noise and very big glasses that actually made her look cute, the boy blush,he didn't know what he was feeling or what the feeling mean but he does know something,he wants to feel the feeling more,so he did what a 12 year old in love boy would do, he kissed her.
The girl woke up with an acing arm and a burning lip.she knows what happened to her arm but she doesn't know what happened to her lips,then she realized something,she started blushing,she was kissed by someone,she couldn't believe it she got her first kiss stolen by someone she didn't know!!?
Just outside of the clinic was the kiss stealing boy who was blushing madly still thinking about what he did.
A week later ,the girl and the boy were in the same 4 & 6 periods and started to hangout more.well one thing lead to another the boy started falling more for the girl(and stopped being a player) and the girl started having a friend to talk to and hang around with.
~End of flashback ~
All the good memories we shared I can still remember them.

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