Survive or Die

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This story kind of starts as a really not so interesting beginning but I do know the last book did, as you already know me my name is Maria Leo and I am by the way completely human, at least I think, and my best friend is a vampire, her name is Reece Starbeau, her boyfriend is a werewolf his name is Thomas Porchu, and of course my long time crush and boyfriend Alex Finn who by the way is a total Hottie, oh ya and he too is a vampire.

This story actually starts with me being lame and introducing all of the clan, and us being at a wild dance, I personally love to dance, so does Alex, Reece does too, but Thomas just knows how to wobble from side to side or grind, which is absolutely fine with his vamp girl friend, as long as he only does it with her, if he makes the mistake of not doing the grind with only her then she will try to rip someone's head off, like she tried to do last summer to me, don't ask why, read the first book again if you don't remember.

So as one of my favorite songs come on, I look up to were Alex is staring at me with kind eyes, I'm smiling wide enough that the corners of my mouth could reach my ears.

I reach up and grab a fist full of his dark blue open collar t-shirt and tow him towards the floor, I can see his eyes glaring at my neck, with heat so intense I start to tremble, the reason for this is because my heart beat has gone wild, well at least every time he touches me or I look into his deep brown eyes, when my heart beat is mixed in with all sorts of other beats it makes him agitated, it makes him think he's lost me, but I'm still here.

We are now on the dance floor, Alex settles his hands on my waist, and pulls me closer to him, I rest one hand on his chest while the other snakes around his neck, and we dance.

I am so caught up in the mood, that I just notice that Reece and Thomas are right beside us, Reece is laughing her butt off, but I look more closely at Thomas, his shoulders are tense and his jaw clenched, and when the flashing lights come our way, his eyes turn violent yellow and his pupils turn to slits.

He looks right at me and opens his mouth just a little, enough to show me that the full moons out and his teeth have turned from human to jagged dog teeth.

I go up on my toes and whisper in Alex's ear "big man going wolfy" I pull away to see his eyes flash towards Thomas.

He lets go of my waist and grabs Thomas's arm, dragging him towards the exit.

Reece looks at me like I've gone nuts, but then something in my expression makes her understand, we go out into the ally beside the dance, and I see that Reece's eyes have gone bright lime green and Alex's have gone a lava red, and compared to my rainy blue eyes theirs are practically glowing, and I know that when their eyes change color that means there's going to be some tough action.

Thomas is bent over in pain, and from experience this is now the place where he is going to right now.

I back away and flatten myself against the wall, I stare at Thomas frightened, he tears off his shirt and under the skin of his back the muscle is moving around like a georamas bug is wiggling under the skin.

And like worms do they break the suffice, fur the color of the morning sun breaks through the skin, a piercing howl escapes his lips, and I flinch, unable to move, his newly pawed feet hit the ground in large stamps, "thump, thump, thump".

The wolf eyes us with wild curiosity, and sniffs the air, something changes, its hind legs stiffen and it growls menacingly, glaring at the two vampires before him, this isn't like the other times, this is different, strange.

It jumps at Reece and Alex's hand catches it by its scruff, flings it against one of the surrounding buildings, it tries to attack again, but Reece body checks it in my direction, its body hits overhead, and falls to my feet.

I look at her in disbelief, "you do remember that I'm breakable right? cause that could've killed me" I gesture towards the wolf.

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