Charlie jones

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Charlie was just a normal boy with a normal life. At least thats what everyone thought. But it wasn't strictly true. He looked normal, brown hair always styled to perfection, blue eyes that glistened like the ocean and normal coloured skin. But he had a big secret that nobody else knew. It was currently night time and he was going where he went every night. The woods. The woods were always empty and the trees were tall enough to cover up what he was doing. On this particular winter night Charlie had decided not to go too deep into the woods. Nobody had ever been out before. Nobody was going to see him this late at night. Once he was out of the light of the clearance of the woods, Charlie curled up into a ball concentrating intensly. To anyone walking past it would just be dismissed, they wouldnt know what he was really doing. Finally, a pair of long black wings came out of Charlies back spreading out filling most of the space he was in. A sighed a sigh of relief. "Thats better," he quietly said to himself. Charlie hated having wings. He couldnt get them out during the day because if he was caught, which was very likley in the light of day, he would proberly get locked up and tested on. The problem with him not being able to get his wings out during the day was that they would start to hurt and digs into his back so he would have to deal with an excruciating pain all day. Charlie had recently been practicing flying and he was starting to get the hang of it. He slowly started to fly into the air making sure not to go over the top of the trees and flew around for abit. But, because Charlie had only just started flying his wings soon started to ache so he perched himself on one of the branches of the tall trees. He smiled to himself. Being out at night made him  feel free, able to be himself without any danger. Once his wings didnt ache he flew down from the tree, but he forgot to see if anyone was there. He was so lost in his happiness he didnt notice the girl stood in the entrance of the woods staring right at him untill it was too late. He turned around and saw the girl. She was stood still. Frozen in reality. Charlies mind started to go crazy. Oh no! She definatly saw me fly! This is it! Time to say goodbye to my freedom! Charlie saw the girl moving closer to him. " Thats not normal," he whispered. The girl carried on walking till she was right next to Charlie. She had long black hair, chestnut brown eyes and pale skin. She looked at Charlie and smiled, "I thought i was the only one." Charlie looked at her confused but when she curled up into a ball he soon reilised what she ment. When she got back up she also had jet black wings coming out of her back. "Im Scarlett" she stook her hand out for Charlie to shake. He shook her hand and said "Im Charlie". They stood talking for a while untill Charlie saw how late it was "Right i should be getting home" Charlie quickly said. "Il ceya tomorrow night Charlie" Scarlett waved goodbye as Charlie walked home.

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⏰ Last updated: Apr 16, 2016 ⏰

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Charlie jones short story Where stories live. Discover now