Chapter 1

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The first time I ever met Niall, I knew he was going to make my life horrible. I was at a new school and tried not to be a loser for once. Everybody told me Niall was a nice guy, then I saw they had been tricking me the whole time.

"Why would I want to sit with you?" He asked me, his facial expression full of disgust. I didn't reply, I just walked away. I didn't see his leg extended outward and I tripped. The contents on my tray flew up and back down on my clothes making a mess. With the last bit of pride I had left, I picked myself and the tray up and walked into the office where I could talk to the guidance counselor. Laughs came from all around, and all I could think about was going home. 

As I sat in the old wooden chair in the office, I thought about my old life. "That's when you actually had friends," I thought to myself. I sighed, I hadn't even made one friend today. Even the teachers gave me weird looks. I hated this school, and everything that had to do with it. Why did I have to move in the middle of the year, the middle of my freshman year? Was everybody this mean here? Nobody had offered to show me how things work around here. They all told me the meanest guy here was a nice friend. I wondered why they would do this.

The rest of the day wasn't any better. Niall was in all of my afternoon classes and I was told to sit in the empty seat by him. He crossed the line when he took my book on my way out of the school.

I shouted, "Give it back!" while attempting to jump up to grab it from his hand. I didn't land right and ended up falling on my ass right in front of him.

"I bet they didn't teach you how to stand correctly in yer' old school," he taunted. He threw my book into the grass next to us, not taking his blue eyes off me. "Now," he chuckled, "enjoy your stay in Hell."

Well, that could've went better.

I scrambled to get up and collect my book as soon as possible. I wanted to do nothing but bolt to my house. I was there. Niall couldn't really get me there, could he? All I had to deal with was my step dad. I wasn't really the one to judge, but he was annoying. He tried to force us to be a family even though he walked out on his already. How could I trust him? Simple, I didn't.

My mother somehow felt that he, even in his short, scrawny image, was her soulmate. I on the other hand wondered how long it would last. He was constantly complaining about everything, even me.

As a sulked through the door, I heard shouting going on from their bedroom. I rolled my eyes and made my way to my own room. It was small, but I liked it. It had cream-colored walls. I was still getting used to the fact that I wouldn't see my father anymore. He loved me more, it seemed, but my mom worked her way around that. She got to take me thousands of miles away from him. Nobody should be put through that.

I sat on my creaky bed that I had just gotten. Frank, my mom's boyfriend, got it on sale and I could see why. It wasn't the most comfortable bed, but at least I had a bed. I tried to be thankful for what I had. It didn't matter to me that I didn't have a lot of things. Things could always be worse. I could be homeless.

I looked in my mirror and noticed how dark my eyes were. I had my father's dark eyes and blessed with his wavy, chesnut hair as well. I had it cut to a medium length and it made me look very plain. I didn't mind. After today, I decided that I didn't want to be noticed by anyone.

I saw something from the window. A blonde/ brown haired lad. Niall.

Shit, he was my neighbor.

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