part: 16 you did what now!!!!!!

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deja gets to the house and goes straight to the sleep over room.

yn: hey dae, how'd it go at diggy's?

deja: it went great (blushing)

zendaya: theres something your not telling us, ur blushing.

deja: whaaaattttt!!!!

Jordan: I remember that face from 5th grade when tyler kissed you. YOU KISSED DIGGY DIDNT YOU!!!!

deja: it was more like diggy kissed me.

everybody exept deja: O SNAP!!!!

yn: so did you like it.

deja: sorda, kinda, HELL YEA I DID!!!

Jordan: so do you like diggy???

deja: idk he's funny, sweet, nice, SEXY AF, but I just broke up with prod and I don't wanna rush into anything.

yn, Jordan, nd zen: I feel ya.

yn: we should probably go to sleep, chris has us recording the song tomorrow and we gotta do the music video to.

all the girls say good night and go to sleep.


back at diggys house.......

diggy was on the couch thinking about deja and he decided to call Jacob (latimore) to talk about it.

phone convo.

diggy: hey was up man

Jacob: nun much juss chillin, whats up.

diggy: I got a lot of stuff on my chest can you come over???

Jacob: yea man ill be there in about 20mins.

diggy: iight, bye man.

diggy hangs up the phone and starts to text deja.


the girls were sleep when dejas phone went off.

deja: aww what the fuck.

yn: yo shut the hell up and go back to sleep.

deja: who tf is textin me ( looks at the phone and sees its diggy) its diggy.

zendaya: well then get the hell out and answer him.

deja goes into her room and texts diggy.

phone convo

diggy: hey beautiful

deja: heyy

diggy: wyd

deja: well I was sleep

diggy: o im srry

deja: o its ok.

diggy: are you gonna be at school tomorrow????

deja: no, we gotta record a song tomorrow, then shoot the video for it.

diggy: truu well, will I see you after???

deja: you just might ;)

diggy: well imam let you get some sleep.

deja: well gn dig

diggy: gn princess ;) <3

end of phone convo


back at diggys house Jacob knocks at the door.

diggy: hey bro.

Jacob: whats up man.

gives diggy dap.

diggy: nothing much, juss got a lot of things on my chest.

they walk into the house.

Jacob: like what???

diggy: this girl deja

Jacob: you mean one of those cute sisters that just moved here.

diggy: yea

Jacob: don't she go out with prodigy????

diggy: yea but they broke up.

Jacob: ooohhh, so u like her.

diggy: yea, a lot but I don't know how to tell her plus we kissed today.

Jacob: that's whats up, I think you should ask her out, you know tell her how you feel.

diggy: iight I will. u stayin the night in the guess room or u goin back home.

Jacob: guess room, to lazy to drive back

diggy: lol smh gn man

Jacob: night

they go to sleep.

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