More people, the better

13 1 2

"Who is it this early- GUYS!" I said running down the stairs to Lizzie, Joel, Calumn and Scott
"Heyo!" Said Lizzie
"Aye!" Joel said waving
"Whatsup?" Calumn retorically asked,
"Hey," said Scott.
"Come in!" Oli said peering round the living room door, we all walked into teh room and drank juice and ate toast - olis special bread and butter toast,
"OML WHAT JAM IS DIS!??" CPK screamed licking the jam from the bread awkwardly,
"Homemade by me and Lucy!" Oli said as we all laughed,
"No choice I'm taking a pot home!" Calumn said scoffing his face with jam 😂.
"Spending the day with you lot will be flipping fun!" I shout happily,
"Actually," Joel said "We're here for a week!"
"SEROUISLY?! AMAZING!" I sang dancing,
"So me and you share a room ok Lucy?" Lizzie said with a grin on her face
"YES!" I said falling straight onto Oli.
"HUUUAAAALPPHEEE!" Mumbled seapeakay from teh kitchen...
"CALLUMN!" We all run to the kitchen...

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