My mum

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I don't know why I said "yes." I just can't get married but I do. For the twins and ONLY for the twins. I changed my mind about hating kids Thier actullay pretty cute and fun to play with! And I will not leave them like my mother, thinking about makes me wonder were is she? Where is that bitch anyways? I put the twins in the bed, then walk to the office. I type up my mum's name, Tina Morgan:

Tina Morgan was happily married with her husband and daughter Rosemary. She cheated on her husband since he dind't want anymore kids. When he soon found out and started abusing her then she left. (Rumor has it he also did it to their daughter.) She went to the person who she was having an affair  ~Rus~ with she soon had a another daughter named Misty the middle name of Rosemary. When the rumor spread that her ex-husband was killed everyone all assumed it was her because he did abuse Rosemary. They are still tracking down where is rosemary the poilce think that she either ran away or her mum killed her too for witnessed the death. Tina's finger prints were found all over his body when they did a finger print scan. She says  that she was drunk and he was at the bar and had an affair too. No one believed her in till she got pregnant again and had another and FINAL daughter Rosey, also after Rosemary. The police still think that she killed him because she knew she would get pregnant. A couple months later she was sentenced life time in jail. The last 3 weeks she was complain and no one cared. By 2:35 she was found dead in her jail cell. (They now should be)-Tina Morgan-35 Rus-40 Ricky (ex-husband) 37 Rosemary-22 Misty-10 Rosey-3.

Wow I can't believe all of this happened! I have sisters! My mom actually loved me so she named them some-what after me. But why, why did she leave me?

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