Dear Girl-with-messy-handwriting

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Feeling odd without the usual weight of her note book in her arms the girl walked up to the notice board. She skimmed her eyes over the notices, until a small handwritten note caught her eye. It read in hand writing far worse than her own:

Dear girl-with-messy-handwriting,

You left your notebook in my form class yesterday (I'm guessing you're a girl your notebook is all pink and flowery, but if you're a guy that's cool too). Any way I couldn't read the name on the front, so it's sitting next to the teachers desk in room 50.

From the-boy-with-slightly-better-handwriting

P.S. your story ideas are really cool (the ones I could read).

The girl smiled, almost laughingly. She grabbed a pen out of her bag and scribbled, in slightly neater handwriting:

Dear Boy-with-slightly-worse-handwriting-than-me,

Firstly, thanks for putting my note book somewhere where I could find it. Secondly, could you please not look though my things as they are private to me. Thirdly, my handwriting is much neater, it's just that at three in the morning it's a little hard to concentrate.

Sincerely, Girl-who-has-better-handwriting-than-your-horrible-scrawl.

She smiled again, turned round and walked off in the direction of room 50.

When she walked past the notice board again there was another note underneath her's, this time written in calligraphy.

Dearest Girl-who-does-not-understand-how-beautiful-my-hand-writing-is,

Calligraphy! In your face.


She added another note down below:

Dear Boy-who-has-to-use-fancy-calligraphy-to-prove-he-is-better-than-me,

Cheap tricks are a last resort

Sincerely the-girl-who-will-not-resort-to-cheap-tricks-to-prove-herself.

After school, as she passed the notice board again, she noticed that the boy had left another message. This one was messier than the rest:

Dear girl-who-thinks-calligraphy-comes-cheap,

Cheap trick! That cost me 10 dollars to get my friend to do it for me! How dare you insult my friend's calligraphy.

- The-boy-who-spent-ten-dollars-trying-to-impress-a-girl-he-has-never-met

She chuckled, but continued walking out of the school buildings.

Coming early to school the next day to leave a note for that boy again, she approached the notice board. She tried to look at where the notice that the boy had put up was, but there was another boy with dark hair standing in front of it. Clutching her note book tightly she tried to find the notice. Where that note should have been was another notice, this one printed out from a computer.

Dear girl-and-boy-who-do-not know how to use a notice board,

This is not a dating site.

From a-student-that-actually-knows-what-a-notice-board-is-for.

The boy pulled his bag around to get something out it, accidentally hitting the girl as he swung it around. Her note book fell out of her hands onto the floor.

"Sorry!" He exclaimed as he picked her book off the floor, looking at it he said "Hello, girl-who's-handwriting-is-still-messier-than-mine"

She laughed, then said "hello boy-who-probably-thinks-that-hitting-someone-with-a-bag-is-a-good-first-impression"

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⏰ Last updated: Sep 02, 2013 ⏰

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