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Ravens Pov

"RAY!!!!!" Emma threw herself at me tackling me to the ground.
"EMMA!!!" I squeal before beginning to laugh.
"Yeah i dumped him" I smile before getting up.
"Im sorry but he was abusing you and he was a huge-"
"I know i know" I sigh.
"Well you know some good news" Her smile grew wider.
"What?" I scrunched my face like i do every time i think.
"OMG HE IS!" I join her before she hands me a invitation.
You see Emma's mums grandmother was one of the most respected elders ever.
So she got me and Emma into every major event ever. Emma's family was like my family ever since my parents were killed in a rouge attack a few years back. I had some money and moved in with Emma because she wanted to escape from her annoying siblings and over protective parents. I always told her she should be lucky to have them and every time she groans and says i was lecturing her like i was her mother. Yet we were the only ones who understood each other no matter how fast we speak. This was because we have been friends since we were born so 17 years.
"When is it?" I say after out squealing match.
"TONIGHT" I shout.
"Hey your lucky its Friday" She smirks.
"But i dont have anything to wear" I sigh.
"Then we will go shopping after school" She smiles proudly.
"Fine" I raise my hands up in defeat.
"Great now come on we need to get to class" She drags me into the tall building and through the quiet and empty halls.
"Miss Moon Miss Star your late" Mr Hall says staring at us over his glasses.
"Sorry Sir" We say in unison before quickly scattering to our seats.
"Today class is just a relaxed laid back lesson seems i have a lot of work to mark. You can talk and study and draw and any other PRODUCTIVE activity but NO phones" Mr Hall says before turning his attention to the pile of tests on his desk. 
I pull out my drawing pad and pencil case. I start to sketch my parents. They were so amazing. They were funny, smart, happy, productive, helping most amazing people ever to have set foot on this earth. I got my big green eyes from my dad and my strength. But i got my pale skin, jet black hair and art skills from my mum. We would sit for hours drawing just about anything and everything....
My thoughts were interrupted by someone lightly taping my shoulder. I finish my sketch before turning round....
"Ray right?" A tanned muscular guy with dark brown hair and light hazel eyes.
"Its raven only my friends call me Ray" I smirk.
"Well am i one of your friends?" He questioned.
"Yeah i guess you can be but first who are you...." I hold out my hand.
"Smith Justin Smith" He smiled shaking my hand.
"Well welcome to Kings Cross School Smith Justin Smith" I giggle.
"Why thank you Miss Moon" He gives a goofy smile.
"So not to be rude why are you here?"
"I moved packs" He smiled sheepishly.
"Well welcome to the Moonlight Forest Pack Smith"
"I hope everyone is like you" He grins.
"Sorry to disappoint but i am one of a kind baby" I smile making him laugh.
"Well your certainly something" Justin mumbled.
"Rude" I huff pouting.
"I-i-i-i did not mean it Ray im sorry im so so so-" His face held sadness and regret.
I burst out laughing making him glare at me in confusion. 
"I was joking"I manage to say through fits of laughter.
"Wow your cruel" He smiles.
"Get used to it" I giggle before the bell rings.
I jump up grabbing my things strolling out the classroom.
Then i see Bethany. She is laughing at a smaller girl in out year Becky. She was on the floor shaking with her things sprawled all over the hallway floor. 
"Bethany back off" I grunt helping up Becky and pushing Bethany away.
"You always ruin my fun Ray" She frowns.
"Never call me that" I growl.
"Call you what" She seemed puzzled.
"Ray. Only my friends call me Raven" I growl again helping Becky collect her books.
"I am your friend" She gasps stepping back.
"No friend of mine bullies people" I say grabbing Becky's hand.
"What ever" She snarls storming off.
"Thanks Raven" Becky says meekly.
"Call me Ray" Her face lit up.
"Really" She squeals and i nod.
"Want to sit with me at lunch Becks" I say dragging her to the lunch hall. 
"S-sure but i dont really you know fit in with the popular people" She whispers.
"Its fine i will be next to you the whole time and if you feel uncomfortable we can move deal?"
"Deal" She smiles widely.
"Now come on im STARVING" I whine making her laugh.
We walk in pay for our food then look round for a place to eat.
"RAY" I hear someone shout my name only to be greeted with Emma waving me over.
"Come on" I signal Becky to follow me.
Round the table was Zack Austin Bethan (not Bethany the bitch) Justin (from last class) and Emma.
"This is Becky. If you are mean to her i will not hesitate to kill you all" I say smiling sweetly.
"Hey Becky" Emma smiles waving.
"H-hi" She waves back hesitantly.
"Dont be nervous Beck" Zack smirks making her cheeks turn a bright crimson.
"Zack" I say warningly making him hold his hands up in surrender.
"Becks this is Emma Austin Bethan Justin and that flirt is Zack" I say pointing to each one.
"So Becky you want to come to this party thing at the royal palace" I say casually. 
"REALLY" She squealed and i nod.
"Yeah it says plus one on the invitation and i want you to come with us"
"I would love to" She hugged me tightly.
"Good we are going shopping after school for dresses and stuff" I say hugging her back.
"I dont have any money" She frowns pulling back from the hug.
"Its fine i will pay for the dress" I watch her face light up.
"No i cannot let you do that" She complains.
"Tough luck im paying" 
"But Rayyyyyyy"She groans.
"Meet us outside the school gate"
"Fineeeee"She huffs making me laugh.
"Wait who is Emma taking?" She looks over at her.
"Im taking Bethan" Emma grins.
"Is she coming to?"
"Yep" Bethan buts in popping the 'p'.
"YAY" Becks cheers making the whole table burst out laughing.

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