Thank you thunder storm

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Ravens Pov

I was laid in bed my eyes wide open. The covers were wrapped round me and i was shaking against the head board. Thunder illuminated the room scarring the sky with their bolts of death. Dark clouds weighed down by the dark threat of a bigger storm.


We were surrounded by rouges. Blood layered the floor and bodies of our pack and others lay sprawled every were. The dark soul less trees toured over us as flashes of light danced through the walls of the blood drenched forest. I was hidden behind my mum and dad. A dark crimson liquid covered us all and tears streamed down my face.
On the count of three you run My mum and dads voices rang in my head.
I shake my head to scared to speak.
Do it for us baby girl My mother soothed.
We love you princess. We know you will become something great
My dads hoarse voice said.
We are always by your side baby girl. We love you. My mum cries
I bolt the other direction. As far away as my family as possible. Crying as hard a physically possible.
Their words echoed through my mind. I wished that i had my wolf to help me through this but i had to wait 12 years. My parent would not be there to see me turn. I will be a rouge for the rest of my life.

After hours of running i stopped by a small river and sat crying.
"Its around here some were" A loud voice growled.
I freeze. My heart beat quickened and i began to shake violently.
"WHO ARE YOU AND WH-" A large man burst through the tree shouting before he stopped himself.
He had big blue eyes and messy hair. His eyes held sorrow and pity and he looked at me. My hair was a mess and my clothes were ripped a little and very dirty. My eyes were red and puffy and tears continued to race down my cheeks. And blood. I had splashes of blood on almost every part of my body.
"What are you doing here little one" He crouched beside me.
"Were are your parents" Another says and i begin to cry harder.
"T-the r-rouges g-g-got them w-when t-t-they t-tried t-to p-protect m-me" I sob.
Then a woman appeared from the bushes.
"What's going on here" She growled before spotting me.
The first man told her everything as i began to sobbing quietly. 
"Aww you poor darling. Come on lets get you cleaned up" She cooed picking me up.
I hug her tighter as another bolt of lightning ran across the dark starless night.

****End of flashback****

I leap out of my bed.
Slipping through the door i creep down the small hallway to the guest room.
Aaron was laid hugging a pillow tightly. He looked so cute.
Slowly i pull back the covers and quietly get into his bed. Then another deadly light criss crosses over the sky making me yelp and hide under the covers. 
"Ray?" A husky voice grumbles and i turn to face him with tears in my eyes.
"Y-yeah" I whisper.
"Are you scared of lightning princess?" I nod and he smiles slightly.
"Y-yeah" I mumble.
"Come here baby girl" He throws the pillow away and pulls my into his strong arms.
I snuggle deeper into his chest and begin to sob quietly.
"Shhhh its okay princess no one is going to hurt you. Not any more" He soothes.
He begins to gently rub my back calming me down one arm still securely round my waist.
I look up from his chest to see a concerned look on his face and i smile a little.
"thanks" I whisper gazing into his big blue eyes.
"Any time princess" He says returning the smile.
Then he slowly moves closer so our lips are inches away from each other. It stays like that before i get inpatient and close the space between us. Our lips move in sync and i roll over so I'm laid on his chest.
It felt like the whole world had just stopped and tingles burst through my body. I feel him smile into the kiss and i do the same.We pull away for breath both whining a little. Both of us had huge smiles on our faces.
"Night princess" He whispers kissing my forehead.
"Nigh" I whisper kissing his cheek making him smile wider.
Then i rest my head back on his chest, his arms snaking back round my waist. All i can keep thinking as i drift to sleep is.....

Thank you thunder storm.

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