the boss is my fanboy

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A/N: I'm a really big fujoshi, and I also love cosplay as well, BUT DAMN I GOT TO MEET THESE TWO AND ATTEND THEIR FAN MEETING YESTERDAY! And they cosplayed MakoHaru from my fave anime Free!! They are so funny in real life! If you love Baozi and Hana too, LET'S BE FRIENDS ^^

P.s. this imagine is inspired by them~


Genre: fluff

"Hey Seungcheol, shut off that laptop and let's go to work, you lazy ass!"

"But Jihoon... I need to see my angel first!" Seungcheol whined, stomping his feet like a spoiled child. "I've heard he's posting a new picture today, and I can't wait to see what he's gonna cosplay next!"

Jihoon frowned at his co-worker's obsession for this so-called Angel. Angel is one of the finest and most beautiful androgynous cosplayers in the world, and he also meant the world to Seungcheol.

"GYAAAH! OH MY GOSH! JUST LOOK AT HIM! JUST PLEASE WHY DID JISOOS MAKE THIS PERSON SO PERFECT?!" Seungcheol literally screeched in a low voice, almost banging his head on the laptop and throwing it outside the window.

"So he's cosplaying Ten Count, huh?" Jihoon just rolled his eyes, not a bit attracted to Angel.

"Yes! JUST LOOK AT HIM BEING SO PERFECT! But as you can see, there's a boy with him... so I cry because why can't I be that boy?" Seungcheol mumbled, stroking Angel's picture on the laptop screen.

In the photograph, Angel was lying down on a bed with some boy whose screen name was Emo. And they looked very hot together considering they were tied up, topless, in red yarn.

"Jihoon, please photoshop my face here," Seungcheol pointed to Emo's face, "so that I could somehow feel being with Angel. Shit, this Emo boy is so lucky to collaborate with him."

"Whatever. I've turned off the wifi router now so stop and let's go to work." Jihoon grumpily said. He hoisted Seungcheol up with a grunt and pulled him towards the door of the lounge room of their office to head off to their official rooms.

They were both managers in their own fields, so they separated quickly and when Seungcheol gets a chance to peek at his Angel wallpaper in his phone, he never misses it.


"Yoon Jeonghan. This is the third time this week that you are late. Care to give me an explanation?" Seungcheol impatiently tapped his foot, looking at Jeonghan with piercing eyes.

"Well Sir if you must know, I've been very busy with my other job as well and you know I've adopted a lot of kids, namely Jisoo, Seokmin, Chan, Soonyoung, Seungkwan, Minghao, Junhui-"

"I don't need to know all the names of your kids. Just be straightforward about your explanation, okay?"

"As you can see, they're still babies and Chan is a fetus so I have to work part-time to support them as well as myself too." Jeonghan fiddled with his sleeve in nervousness.

"Aish why did you even adopt so many kids, are you the only one who's raising them? Like you're single dad or something?" Seungcheol asked, imagining Jeonghan's place to be a complete chaotic ruckus because of the babies.

"Before I was raising them with my ex boyfriend Jeon Wonwoo. But as soon as we broke up, I decided to raise them all by myself, with my grandma coming to look after them when I'm not there."

"That's so relationship goals." Seungcheol said, and somehow he felt jealous because Jeonghan already had a boyfriend while he couldn't because he's too picky, has ridiculously high standards and he likes only Angel, who would probably never notice him in his whole life.

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