cold night, warm smiles

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Genre: fluff + werewolf!cheol

It was raining hard and Jeonghan wasn't able to get a wink of sleep. He blankly stared outside the window, thinking that if he empties out his mind he would probably fall into slumber.

A black flash darted outside the window and Jeonghan grew paranoid in an instant. What if it was a thief or a murderer? He would be in grave danger.

Grabbing his rain coat, boots, and flashlight, the red-haired boy soon forgot about his sleep as he headed outside to check what was bothering him in the middle of the night.

"Hello? Somebody there? Come out now or else I'll call the police!" Jeonghan shakily yelled, trying his best to make his voice heard over the rain.

He took slow, cautious steps towards the green house beside his own house. The dark figure appeared again, closer. Jeonghan grew terrified. He could hear someone growling inside the green house, but he made up his mind to enter the small building. If he's going to catch the thief, then he will.

"Come out now!" He shone his flashlight everywhere, but the light landed only on plants. The growling got louder so Jeonghan followed the sound of it, no matter how scary it sounded like.

"Ahh!" He exclaimed as the flashlight showed the shadow of a vicious wolf. Its eyes were gleaming and it looks like it was hungry. It licked its tongue just by seeing the figure of the male. Jeonghan then panicked and dropped the device, running away in terror.

The wolf ran after him, barking and howling. With its powerful hind legs, it certainly didn't take the beast long enough to catch up on Jeonghan.

The long-haired boy screamed for help in the midst of the rain pattering down on the soil. He loudly prayed for Jisoos Christ to save him from being eaten alive by the wild canine.

His prayers were answered immediately when the wolf was struck by lightning, and Jeonghan was sure it was already dead.

With careful steps, he made his way towards the wolf... but the animal was gone like the lightning. Instead of the threatening predator, something- or someone -was breathing. It's alive, but whoever it is, it's supposed to die right now due to the lightning.

Because of the darkness around the whole area, Jeonghan couldn't see a thing. He just hears something or someone breathing deeply, in the exact same spot of the wolf after it was struck by lightning.

Luckily he has his phone with him so he turned on the flashlight, shone it on the unidentified creature and gasped.

A man, clad in nothing, was lying down on the ground, his smooth pale skin covered in ugly bruises and scratches. He is badly injured and all of his hair stood up due to being electrocuted.

"Are you... are you a werewolf?" Jeonghan asked the guy, who just kept silent. It looks like he already passed out. But by the looks of it, he couldn't sleep here. "Your wounds will get more infected if you stay here on the soil."

Thankful for his weekly gym training, Jeonghan easily carried the mysterious man who almost looks like a corpse back into his house. He laid the guy on his own bed since his sofa set is so small for the guy to fit in.

Then he got a wet towel and proceeded to clean the man due to some of the soil stuck onto his skin, but his wounds and scratches will need special treatment.

Jeonghan gazed at the man, noticing the defined features of his face, despite some scratches adorning his cheeks and forehead, the man is indeed impeccable.

He didn't dare let his eyes wander below the man's waist so he just cleaned the upper half first, grabbed a biger towel and covered its private parts. And Jeonghan did the same procedure in cleaning his legs.

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