The Up

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I lean against the wall, I can hear moms coughing from here. The awful sound of some one dying. I feel a small tug on my skirt,

"Terra is mama gonna die?" Sammy asks from beside me.

"I hope not Sammy, I hope not"

I usher Sammy to bed for it is late for a six year old.

"Goodnight" he mumbles

"Goodnight" I whisper back. I softly kiss him on the head and head back into the living area if our small apartment. I look over to where mom lays, on the couch. Her breathing has slowed and her eyes have drifted shut. I pull a blanket up onto her and kiss her on the forehead.

"Goodnight mom" I whisper. Then tiptoe towards the door, shutting it softly behind me.

Out side the air feels as fresh as it ever does here below. I look upwards to wards the Up. The rich who think there better then us. I hate them! I hate them so much! They killed my father and left my city in pieces. The water is calling me, as it always does. I can imagine what it looked like before it was polluted to death. It's dead. Just like anything else down here. Just like me.

I stop walking as I reach my destination. An old crumbling building. The windows are broken and pieces of rock have fallen in multiple areas. I walk over to my secret entrance and tiptoe inside. A dark figure leans against the wall.

"Tony!" I gasp as I sprint towards him. He sweeps me up in a kiss.

"I've missed you so much" he whispers as he begins kissing me again. His lips are soft but firm. Familiar. Gently, we pull away.

"She's getting worse Tony" a tear runs Dow my cheek "she refuses to buy medicine so she can save up to..." my tears are coming faster now I know he knows what I mean.

"Shh" he whispers "it'll be okay, and plus you didn't come here just so you could cry on my shoulder, did you? " I laugh

"No I didn't" He kisses me again. This time softer, as if it was the last kiss we ever got.

"How was your trip?" I ask, gently pulling away.

"Awful" he says, with great sincerity in his eyes. Tony works for the boating industry. The only industry we even have. Shipping big pieces of metal to who knows where.

"I just wish that they would help us out you know" I nod. I know what he means. The Up hates us and would never help us. Never even consider it.

I glance at my watch.

"It's late I have to head home" I whisper

"Okay" he kisses me good bye and then I leave him. As we walk in opposite directions home. Separated until we can meet again. My heart aches as I walk through the front door. I head up to bed to get yet another mediocre night of sleep.

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