Chapter 7

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The past few days have been pretty chaotic. Joseph was so worried about us that he even had securities following Sophie and I everywhere. I honestly didn't know who he was trying to protect us from or what and I really wanted to find out.

I was taking Sophie to get some ice cream and of course the big bad guards were following us. I seriously didn't know why at least they couldn't wear regular clothes instead of suits they looked like the men in black especially with those shades on.

We got inside cold stone and looked at Sophie who was jumping up in down screaming "i scream for ice cream!" She looked at all the flavors and i could see her drooling from the side of her mouth.I couldn't help but just admire my beautiful daughter.

"What kind of ice cream would you like Sophie?"

She put her index finger on her chin and squinted her eyes while looking at every flavor.

"Hmmmmm mommy i want want that one, that one shall be my victim wuahaha. " she pointed at strawberry one.

"Okay sweetie" i tried not to laugh at her evil laugh but a small chuckle escaped from my mouth which got a glare from her.

I told the worker and he got it. I ordered a banana ice cream mixed with chocolate ice cream and a brownie it ( try it guys it delicious my favorite) was delicious and I couldn't wait to take a bite.

I turned around and looked at the guards.

"So boys do you want any ice cream my treat?"

One of the guards took his shades off and looked at me so dramatic.

"We would love some ma'am."
I was shocked not that he wanted ice cream like who doesn't like ice cream, but he looked so young like seriously younger than me and he looked like a pop star.

"Okay go and take your pick."

They both raced to look at all the flavors. It reminded me of little kids but it was actually quite adorable.

After eating our ice cream it was now time to go back to our apartment and finish packing our last box.

Sophie and i were going to move in with Joseph, because he said it would be safer. I wasn't that excited since I really didn't understand him or his mood swings. And I definitely didn't have time to argue with him about everything.

When we got to the apartment, Joseph was already waiting for us.

"Thank god you're safe."
Joseph said while hugging me as tight as he could.

" umm could you not?"

"We need to talk."

The guards took Sophie in the apartment the other guard who looked as if he could kill you asked Sophie if she wanted to watch disney movies because he had all of them. Which she agreed on. Joseph and i stayed outside.

"That guy he's not safe."

"What guy Joseph?"

"Sophie's dad."

"how do you know him?" I never once told Joseph about Brad i need explanations.

"He's not safe, I can't really tell you much."
"Why can't you?"
"I don't want to."
I was getting so irritated he was acting like a little kid.

"Joseph really, MY DAUGHTER IS IN DANGER AND YOU WON'T EVEN TELL ME WHATS GOING ON. i won't go with you unless you tell me what the fuck is going on."

I started to walk away but he grabbed my arm.

"Fine I'll tell you."

"Brad isn't a normal human. He's a hunter a supernatural hunter. He raped you before I could get to you ,he knew you were mine from the beginning and he knew i would choose war with him for touching you, but i guess during that whole being undercover shit while pretending to be your brother's friend he started to think you were actually his but now that you're a vampire he wants to kill you and Sophie because he thinks you betrayed him. The reason I haven't killed him yet was because I didn't know if you were with him or if he had you trapped and i was terrified that if i made a move you would get hurt, but now that you're here with me i know i can start war."

I honestly didn't know what to say. No words would come out. I didn't know how someone could do such an act.

Joseph looked at me his eyes showing expression of worry.

It was quiet for a few minutes until I finally had the guts to say something.

"This means war."

Joseph looked at me shocked as if he was expecting something else but later turned into a grin.

"Of course my queen anything for you." He said as he grabbed my hand and kissed it while looking at me.

"Let the war begin"

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