Chapter 1

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There's so much to life that we don't even know we only see half of it ,So much to live for. That's the last words my father said to me before he left to Africa to go to Egypt and Somalia. He was taking long trip to see family and deal with the family businesses there. I'll miss him so much he'll always knows what to say and gives the best advice.

Ziba (pov)

Beeep. beeeep .beeeep .beeep........Ughhh Fuck I hate that alarm.

I was in the good part of my dream uhhh they where so hot. "ZIBA Come Down Now, Breakfast is Ready So Wake Up Your Brothers," my mother yelled, from downstairs. I have always wondered why she doesn't wake them up herself.

I will never know I got up from my warm bed head to the bathroom got my business done and took a hot shower. I look in the mirror looking at my crazy curly hair can get any crazy. Its like a lion and tiger got into a fight in water. I really don't want to put up with my hair today, So I took one of my scrunchie out of the cabinet and put my hair in a messy bun. I walk out of my room and headed to the boys room walking in there room was a mission. God can they get any messier. The African jungle is clearer than this shit. I walked up to one of the beds still a live. I jumped on Zack's bed grab one of his pillows started hitting him and my other brother in there heads with it. "Get Up You Worthless Idiots" I yelled. "Breakfast is ready get up" I, said. They goan and wined getting up. I walk out and ran down stairs I don't know how hungry I was until I smell food from down stairs. In a matter of seconds I was in the kitchen sitting on the stool. My mom hand me a plate full of French toast and eggs my favorite yumm. While I was eating the two idiots walk in the kitchen Adam and Zack both sent glares my way. I just smiled with mouth full of food. Haha losers. Then I hear my mother clear throat and put our tension towards her. " Well you guys know how your father won't be here for a while I'll have to work more hours at work. Which means I won't be home until later around 9 or 10 or so. I expect all of you three to be on the best behavior when I'm at work. Plus I'll be leaving for two weeks to your grandparents house to help her move in and get settled, So I won't be around as much Adam since you're the oldest you be in charge." my mother said. I groaned in frustration like really Adam couldn't even take care of his own pet fish which deaded in less than 24 hours. What makes her think he can watch the house or human lifes for that matter ??... I wined and , said" Why mom we can take of yourself without having someone in charge I'm 18 for god sakes " I, said. "Well sweetie since he's the oldest and I'm not sure how long I'll be staying with your grandparents so he has to be in charge pls he's the oldest from you and Zack, I need someone to keep tabs on both of you while I'm away " my mother, said. I looked up at Adam with his evil smirk on his face. Man how much wish I could wipe that off his stupid face.

I head up to my room after that annoying announcement that my mother had to make about Adam Lord Butthead to be my babysitter for the next few weeks of my summer Ugh I goan in frustration. I unplug my phone off the charger and decided to call Britney. I always talk to her when I'm in these kind of moods. She always knows how to make me feel better. We been friends since birth practically joined by the hip. I can honestly saw that I can't live without this girl.

Ring..ring.. ring.... Hello Bri, said.

Hey Bri " Replied I was wondering if you wanted to hang out today I'm kinda bored at my place" I ,said. "Yeah sure what do you have In mine Z "Bri, said. I stayed quiet for a few seconds and then I got an idea... " Well how about we go get some brunch and walk around the boardwalk by the beach" I, said. "Yeah sure we can do that meet me up at Sallys diner in an hour" Bri, said.

"Ok see you then Bri "I ,said.

"Ok bye love" Bri, said. I hung up the phone and I got up from my bed went to my closet and pick out a red long summer dress then went into the bathroom put on some mascara my skin is clear doesn't really need much of powder or concealer at all. That's what I love about me my skin is like nice color of caramel no to light or to dark, but just right. I walk out the of bathroom put my sandals on grab my bag and headed downstairs..

A walk in the living room and saw Zack was playing Halo and yelling at somebody through the microphone wow what a low life I thought to myself. Walked up to the couch "Hey Zack" I , said. He turned his head and look towards me with the annoying expression "What do you want Zida" he , said. "Well I was wondering if you could drop me off at Sally's diner cause my cars in the shop getting fixed" I, said with annoyed expression. "What's in it for me if I do" he ,said with a smirk. "Ughh why do you have to be so difficult are you going to take me or not" I ,said and groaned and frustration.

"Fine don't get your panties in a twist I just wondering if you can get your friend Brittany number for me" He, said with puppy dog eyes. Zack been having a thing for Bri lately which is creeping me out he never noticed her before, But I can't let Zack take my only friend from me and break her heart with his player ways both my bothers are big players and man whores. They were always in the popular crowd well I just stay to myself most of my high school years but those days are long gone from now. I started college now and its a lot better than high school you get all this freedom, So anyway back to asking Zack for a ride.

" What makes you think I'm just gonna give you her number " I ,said glaring at him. He look at me again but this time he turned off the game and the tv then stood up with a smirk still on his face. "Well well little protective over the bestie are we" he, said. "Of course why in the hell won't I be for the likes of you and your man whore ways around Bri " I ,said now piss off that he so think I'm just going to let him screw my friend and toss her to the side like trash. I look up back him again now with unreadable expression on his face which was gone in seconds. "No need to get all worked up I wasn't is going to try to do anything with her just asking" he ,said with bored expression "So are gonna take me or what because its like a hundred degrees outside and I'm not walking in this heat" I ,said. "Sure fine I'll do it but can I ask you something tho" he, said with an unreadable expression again. I look up at him again wondering what he was gonna ask me." Sure what is it" I, said. "Do you think Brittany thinks I'm a bad guy or something " he, said with a worried expression. "Mmm well I don't know what to tell you Zack I have no clue" I finally, said after few minutes of looking at him. What the hell is Zach even cares about what anyone thinks of him special Brittany I thought to myself.

"So you ready to go" he ,ask killing the awkward silence. Yeah I , said. We made it to the diner in time because I saw Britney walking in. She look back at me getting out of Zack's car walking up to her with a goofy smile on my face. "Hi Bri "I ,said to her sliding in one of the booths sitting on the other side of her. "Hey Z "Bri, said. I sat down and then I heard my stomach growling man I was hungry. I look up at Bri holding a laugh. "Sounds like someone hungry" Bri ,said smiling.

You can say that again I thought. Thankfully the waitress walked up to our table and got our orders. As I was waiting I look outside the window and saw a nice Mercedesvs bens all black. Damn that car was sexy but not as sexy as the two guys walking out of it headed to the diner. They where twins and gorgeous twins at that. I swear if I didn't know any better I would think they work for Calvin Klein or GQ. They both had black hair, gorgeous tan muscular bodies. I didn't really see there faces just there back sides, But anyone could tell these guys where hot. I have a strong feeling of wanting to get up and touch them weird huh. I most be going cazy here there just good looking guys Zida that's all nothing more. Thankfully the waitress came back with our food set it down. I started eat my food when I haven't realized Britney was talking to me
"What" I, said a little loud when people were turning around and looking at me oops.. "What I was saying befor you completely ignored me if you wanted to go to art show tomorrow with me Z" Bri ,said. "Ohh yeah sure why not sorry I dozed off "I ,said with a small smile. "Its ok" Bri ,said. We started eating our food. I couldn't help but feel a pair of eyes looking at me. I look up and saw the twins looking at me with love and lust which I don't understand. After I look back down realized I was done eating and look up at Bri "Hey you ready to leave I'm full now" I, said. "Yea me too Bri",said look up at me. We both stood up while I paid for our lunch and left a tip. As we both starting walking to head out the door. I was stopped in my tracks as I looked up to see both twins staring down at me. All I hear after that was" MINE "they both said.....

********* Well I Hope You Guys Like My First Chapter********

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