Them, the Proxies

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Sorry I haven't been around lately x~x" Welp. Here's your chapter. (Tbh, I dunno what I'm going to do so bare with me here...)
And sadly, Alex has left us. So this my thoughts. IM SO SAD. ="""((

It was such a lovely night, and I was all alone. Completely alone. Like Alex wasn't even in my head anymore. It scared me and made me feel helpless. So I decided to walk around.

At night.

In the woods.

Because I'm stupid.

I shoved my hands in my pockets after pulling my hood over my newly dyed red hair. LJ talked me into convincing my parents to let me dye my hair, and what I got was red. Like a strawberry blonde red.

It was getting boring, walking alone, and I've been out for nearly an hour. I had contemplated going to Nick's, or Kiera's, or any of my other friends' homes; but thought against it since it was almost two in the morning.

Buy still, walking around in the woods was a HUGE no-no now that I know that Creepypastas actually exist. How have I not known? Oh right. I'm an ignoramus.

After walking for what I think was fifteen minutes, I started to hear voices of in the distance. Like, loud arguing. I think someone yelled something along the lines of "SHUT UP YOU TICKING BASTARD" or something.

Ticking bastard? Who the hell...? What?

I did as any smart person would do.

I walked toward the yelling.


I kept behind trees as I crept toward them. Whom ever "them" was. As I got closer, I could hear clearer of what they were saying. Not pretty stuff, I  might add.

"You want to p-play that game, h-huh, Timmy," I head a boy growl with a stutter. His voice sounded slightly robotic, but also like it was being covered, by a mask or something. The boy who yelled the ticking bastard insult growled back, "You know I'll win, Rogers."

I stopped. Maybe now would be a good time to intervene? The little voice in my head said it wasn't a good idea, but then again, I have no little voice in my head anymore. I looked beside me, around the tree trunk behind which I was hiding. I found a decently sized rock a little ways away from the tree, like about a foot.

Taking a breath and checking the arguing duo, I quickly grabbed the rock. I plastered my back to the thick tree trunk I was hiding behind, breathing heavily, my heart pounding. What if the orange hooded figure saw me? Then my plan would be compromised. I glanced back at the trio. The blue hooded one and the white masked one were still argui-HOLD ON.

'Those are the proxies!' my mind screamed. If my plan fails, I could quite possibly die, or be captured. Then I wouldn't be able to see my friends, or talk to my family, or, or.. My breathing sped up and my chest convulsed at the thought. I felt like scratching the back of my neck, until I bled, like I usually do when I'm under pressure or suffering from my anxiety.

No joke. I do this, and have regret it many many times.

I closed my eyes a minute, and breathed deeply. I had to remind myself that Alex wasn't with me anymore, that I was alone, and on my own. Opening my eyes, I reeled my arm back in to throw the rock off into the distance, but as I was about to swing my arm foreword, I felt a firm hand catch my wrist.

"Well, well, well. Hello Mick. Nice to see you again," the masculine, yet boyish sounding voice of Masky rang from behind me. I felt my eyes widen and my breathing to worsen, I think my heart beat so loud, it must've alerted the proxy of my presence. "Slender told us someone was going to be in the woods tonight. I didn't expect it to be little Miss Priss here, all alone," the masked boy continue to seethe.

"P-please," I started, unnecessary tears welling in my eyes, "please don't h-h-hurt me..." My body convulsed, shook against my will, in intense fear and anxiety. With my free hand, I had begun mercilessly scratching at the back of my neck. I darted my eyes around. Toby and Hoodie were standing in front of me. Toby with a hatchet in each hand, his head tilted to the side and he was staring at me. Hoodie was beside him, he had a small butterfly knife in one hand and looking at me with that blood red frown.

Masky swung my arm behind my back in a painful manner, I gasped out, tempted to kick the living shit out of the proxy. "Oh, we're not going to hurt you," Masky chuckled darkly, now whispering in my ear, "we're going to take you to Slenderman. Hoodie and I were supposed to kill you at the park that one day, since you had seen Offender and somehow survived and horrified him, but your brother was there. And you flew off a damn swing."

I gulped, rather loudly. "W-what did you do to Offender to scare h-him?" Toby's slightly robotic voice asked. I smirked a little through my fear. "I can't quite explain, you'll have to read the chapter labeled 'Pretty, Blood Red Rose' to figure that out." Toby seemed to raise an eyebrow, because his goggle moved slightly. "What?" I smiled as innocently as I could. Hoodie sighed.

"She's breaking the forth wall, Toby," Masky growled. The brunette pushed me toward the tree. "Yep! And none of y'all can do that! Only me! Because I'm kinda sorta the author of this fan fiction, but in a different dimension. I think," I answered, regaining my balance.

Oh dear god, please. No. Don't break the forth wall. I DON'T NEED THIS TYPE OF STRESS!! Do not become LJ! Do not I brace the LJ way! Please Little Me...

"Naaah," I respond to the author with a smile. "I think I like giving you stress. A little birdie told me there are over FIVE HUNDRED VIEWS!! Congratulations, Big Me!" I gave a thumbs up to the sky above me, and ever so subtly, I saw Miss Author double face palm. Poor Author. So much stress.

Masky growled, and before I knew it, I felt a solid object hit my temple and then I fell to the ground, my eyes closing slowly.

"Quit breaking the damn forth wall."



Yeah.....I kinda lost track of what I was doing towards the end.....

Hope you like this chapter!

See ya, my Ninjalings~!


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