
13 1 2

So @maggieshine949 tagged me on this just to let me try this one out


1. You must post all the rules

2. Tag 13 people if possible

3. If tagged write 13 things about yourself and as well as answering 13 questions

4. You cannot refuse the tag

5. No tag backs

6. Must be done within a week

7. Title must be original and creative

8. Only do this tag on a published work not on your message board

13 random facts about me:

1. I have dogs named Galvatron and Megatron.

2. I'm a Filipino but I look like Thai or Chinese.

3. Everyone says I look exactly like Mulan even strangers.

4. I'm obsessed of old movies

5. I love Audrey Hepburn

6. I love to cook and bake but I don't do it at home just rarely.

7. I'm 5'1

8. Psychology will be my future college program

9. My English teachers never believed that my compositions are my own work although most of them are written a few minutes before the deadline due to procrastination.

10. Sometimes people mistook me to be way younger than my age and sometimes way older. Never predicts my age group. I'll be 17 this year.

11. I am not picky with food and I love foreign cuisine.

12. I don't know my mother's age but she's younger than the average moms of my age.

13. I have dyspraxia and it was humiliating when I have to attend super physical stuff for school. Although I work out at home so I'm not exactly physically unhealthy.

Q: Any fictional character for a day

A: I would say Harley Quinn but it would be difficult so I guess Blair Waldorf is fine


Q: Calming Destination

A: Greek Beaches!


Q: Favorite Vacation

A: I don't know, every summer was a blast. My family is quite adventurous I guess.


Q: Pets?

A: Used to have snake but now I have goats and dogs.


Q: Prized Possession

A: Cooking certificates?


Q: Favorite character you created

A: Klein Morris


Q: Most daring thing you've done

A: I threw ice on a bald teacher's head before


Q: soundtrack you hide from others

A: The screamo ones


Q: Favorite book series

A: Miss Peregrine's Home for Peculiar Children and Harry Potter


Q: Favorite talent

A: HAHAHA I only have skills honed but never talents I had on my own


Q: Lessons like dance or archery or others?

A: Ballet, Rock Climbing, Jazz, Art.


Q: One drink for the rest of my life

A: Water for survival


Q: Favorite pair of shoes you own

A: My silver wedges with a big gem on it.



@StenMarie @SJDurden @_shangri-la_ @cityofwriting HAHAHAH I forgot the other people I am fond of in this site omg I'm a horrible person

13 Questions:

Favorite Decade

Favorite Ice Cream Flavor

Would you vote for Trump?

Pizza or Bacon?

Coffee or Milkshake?

Femme Fatale or Mary Sue?

Would you rather be a worm poop or poop?

You are awesome because..

Harry Potter or Star Wars?

No eyebrows or thick eyebrows?

Pale Blonde or Pink hair?

Be 5'2 or 6'11 ?

Heath Ledger or Johnny Depp?

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