Liberty Peregrine *UNEDITED*

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Liberty Peregrine


"Well honey, it's nine in the afternoon, so I do what I want. Now isn't that liberty, sweetie?" Liberty Peregrine

Family/Birth Information

Liberty Dreya Peregrine was born July 13, 2076 to two wealthy parents, Casper Peregrine and Reese Peregrine. Casper and Reese were both successful government officials. In late 2075, when the couple found out Reese was pregnant, they settled down in La Rochelle, France to start their family.

Soon a healthy baby girl was born, and the Peregrines were overjoyed. They named her Liberty Dreya Peregrine. In 2083, Liberty's sister Grenade was born, and her parents' attention was temporarily directed towards Grenade. But soon they returned to normal.


Once Liberty was six years of age her parents sent her to a high-end primary school called Foxtrot Luxurian School. After being pulled out of school in the first semester because her parents disliked Foxtrot's way of teaching, the Peregrines moved away to Poison City, Castleigh in New Calypso where they bought a large property and built a house. The couple decided to homeschool Liberty until she was of age to attend Secondary School.

As a young child Liberty was always absorbed in drawing and art and culinary arts, along with designing houses and building cities out of blocks. She was always interested in art and architecture, and despised other subjects.

When Liberty grew to be 11 years old, Reese sent her to Urie Crossheart Secondary School. She was bold and outspoken in secondary school, and made exactly 13 friends whom she thought of as the best people on earth. Liberty only attended the Calypsan, science, gardening, reading, history or maths classes when she saw fit and the only class she showed interest in was the creative arts class, which she went to with enthusiasm every day. In her third year of secondary school Peregrine's friend count dropped to zero when her family's wealth suddenly dipped so low to almost zero. At that perilous time in her life she met Destiny Swan, a girl with clear intentions and a sincere heart. At a time so bad in her fourth year that her parents could not care for her for a solid month because they were furiously working to patch up their wealth, Destiny kindly let Liberty stay with her and her parents until the Peregrines were back on their feet. In 2093, just a month from Liberty's secondary school graduation, Liberty had given up hope for going to PSU because of money problems, even though she had studied hard and long her entire life. Suddenly with a stroke of pure luck Mr. Casper Peregrine became a wealthier man than he was before the crisis. He had made an extremely dangerous gamble with Neon Roberts, one of the exotic millionaires from Dione, and Mr. Peregrine had bet all his belongings for 15.6 billion dollars. Casper Peregrine won the bet, and all Mr. Roberts' money disappeared right under his nose. Liberty was overjoyed and immediately sent in an application for PSU.

In 2094 Peregrine was admitted to Passion Stone University at the customary age of 18, and had to move 250 leagues, or around 863 miles, but she was overjoyed. She discovered that her good friend Destiny Swan had also been admitted. Peregrine was also excited that the governor's heir and daughter, Luna Dovelin, who was a year older than Liberty, was also attending PSU, and Peregrine was eager to meet her. Although Liberty was an enthusiastic student, she stubbornly refused to pay attention in literature classes such as writing, reading and Calypsan. She excelled in art and design and earned decent A's and B's in math and science. When she graduated in 2097, she left with a PhD in art and one in architectural design, and also a Bachelor's Degree in writing, although as a child she hated writing.


Life Achievements

Miss Peregrine, still a young woman, designed the Saucherstein Tower located in Poison City. She's won two awards for architectural design, and has several of her art pieces showcased in the Passion Stone Museum of Modern Art, including but not limited to Black Rose, Of Eleven Men, Christ at the Stake and Dawn.

Peregrine has also written two books since she graduated college, The Birdsong and Mary.

In early 2097, soon after releasing Mary, Dr. Peregrine was chosen by the throne-inherited new ruler of New Calypso to be part of the Fourfold Branch. She received an academy award from PSU for artistic excellence.

Where is Peregrine Today?

Miss Liberty Peregrine is currently still working on several projects, and is currently building a new residence on Rose Hill, Passion Stone, Thymentine, using the small fortune that her parents had left her to pay for the expenses. She loves to draw, and designs buildings for people frequently. She is working on a new piece of art, and likes donating her wealth to charities. "The government compound is where I can truly be myself," Liberty said when a reporter asked her opinion on her home. Sometimes her fellow government officials cite that Liberty contradicts and corrects people so much with facts it was annoying, but Liberty holds a strong pride in her heart that she is a, quote unquote, "boss nerd."

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