Chapter 7

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(Andy's POV)

I don't really know what to do. I barely made it home, seeing as I still had sort of a hangover and couldn't find the right train. Thank God I didn't drive there. I would have been dead.

I hated it for Dallas. She was so sweet and innocent and just, a great person. I literally can call her one of my best friends. But Tony... I'd kill him if I were to ever get the chance. I swear to God, I would. I wish he would go fall in a hole. Then I could go and protect Dallas, and cuddle her, and kiss her hair, and tell her everything would be okay. Because if I was there, it would be.

I entered the house, angry as hell.

"Wow, Andy, finally back, huh?" Ash winked. I flipped him off and stumbled to my bed. I downed like four Tylenols, not bothering to count, and gulped them down. I didn't care that they hurt my throat a little. I didn't care that it probably wasn't really safe. I really didn't fucking care.

Why couldn't I protect her? Why wasn't I enough? Is it my fault that he continues to hit her? Is he hitting her because she hangs out with me? Should I call her to see if she's okay?

I thought about calling her for a moment, but then decided against it. Tony would probably get mad and it wouldn't turn out well for her when we hung up.

Well, maybe I should call just to be sure. Better to be safe than sorry, I guess. I dialed her number and pressed the phone to my ear.

"H-Hello?" she answered. "Hey, Dallas, everything okay? Has he-"

"Andy." she said breathlessly. "Yeah, it's me. Is something wrong?" I immediately sat up and put my shoes on. "I don't know if we can talk any more," her voice cracked. "I know you don't understand, but I'm not asking you to. Just know that I am more than thankful to you for being there for me." her voice cracked again and she exhaled and continued.

"I'm sorry, Andy. I really am."

I felt my heart rate pick up. What did she mean? Is he beating her again? "No, no, no. Just tell me what's wrong.." I pleaded.

"I can't."

"I told you that night that you could tell me anything. And I'm keeping my promise, Dallas. You can tell me." I assured  her. She began crying, long sobs escaping her lips. She then gasped and stopped crying, a few whimpers coming over the line.

"Sorry." she exhaled. I thought a minute, biting down hard on my lip. "Do you want me to come over?" I asked.

"No!" I furrowed my brow. "I mean, no, you shouldn't. That's not a good idea." she said, more calm. I knew something was definitely wrong and I felt bad for leaving her there with that son of a bitch.

I sighed, "Come on, why don't you just come over here. You can talk with the guys, rest, cuddle with me." I grinned to myself and scooted to the edge of my bed. "I-I can't."

"Of course you can." I smiled. "No, you wouldn't understand, I cant." she said uneasily. "Please, just come over. I don't feel right leaving you there." I gushed. She thought for a while, and I could hear the hesitation in her voice, "Okay."


There was a knock at the door and I knew who it was; Dallas.

"Hey, Dallas is here." Ash said, peeping out the window. "I know." I opened the door and shut it behind him. I stepped out, opening my arms for her to fall into, and she did. I wrapped my arms tight around her tightly. I soon felt moisture soaking through my tee shirt, but I really didn't care.

"I'm sorry." I nuzzled my face into her hair, whispering so only she could here. "I-I don't know what I did to him. Why did-"

"I don't know. I really don't, you're perfect." I whispered, feeling her nuzzle face in my neck. "Andy, can we go cuddle now?" she asked shakily.

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