Weird Waters

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This story is in Nico's POV the entire time :)

I watched the sun set behind the distant hills, sending streams of blinding light throughout the camp.
While most of the demigods were sad to see the sun go away, I sure wasn't.

Campers began to collect wood for their nightly bonfire and several grabbed jackets or sweaters to keep themselves warm. When the sun went down it got cold fast in the Autumn.

I waved at Leo and smiled at Jason as I walked by the picnic area.
"Hey, Nico! Wanna help carry some of this?" Leo huffed, struggling under the weight of the wood logs he was holding.
"Yeah, as much fun as that looks, I can't. I told (y/n) that I would meet her at the dock." I blushed a little when Jason and Leo shared a look.
"Ok then, Nico. Tell us how your date goes," Jason called as he walked away with his wood.
"It's not a date, bolt brain!" I yelled behind me, continuing to walk to the lake.
The darkness was coming, so satyrs began to light torches along paths so people could see where they were going. Unfortunately, the path I was going on didn't have torches. Yippee.
So I stumbled around, fell in some thorny bushes, stepped in a hive of red ants, and occasionally got poked in the face with a tree branch.
Then finally, finally, I got to the stinking dock, the dark water looked kinda creepy when you knew what sorts of things lived in there... Yeah, don't go swimming in the lake. Ever.

Then there she was. Her feet dangling in the water making ripples and waves. Her (h/c) hair cascaded down her back.

"(Y/n)" I said in the deepest, creepiest voice I could. She gasped and jumped up, grabbing something from her pocket and then holding a sword.
"W-who's there?" She called to me. It was already so dark that (y/n) couldn't see me from fifty feet away.
"Calm down, it's just me," I laughed, jogging over to her.
(Y/n) gave a frustrated sigh and put her sword away.
"Nico di freaking Angelo, I hate you."
"If you hated me you would've killed me already," I joked. She almost did kill me once. Ouch.
"I guess I kind of like you when I don't hate you," she sighed and hugged me, her head fitting perfectly on my shoulder, my arms around her waist.
"I have to tell you a secret."
I let go of her and she took a step back. (Y/n) but her lip and looks at her feet as if waiting for them to start talking instead.
"Yes...?" I prompted after awhile. I loved the girl, but she was so sloooooooow.
"I... I think I...." (Y/n) sighed and hung her head. She lifted up her head and closed her eyes tightly.
"I think I love you, Nico."
(y/n) opened one of her eyes and squished her eyebrows together, clearly waiting for a response.
"Umm, ok. I think I already knew that," I shrugged and smiled.
She frowned.
"Just shut up, Nico."
(y/n) wrapped her arms around my neck and pressed her lips on mine softly. I wrapped my arms around her and held her tightly.
(Y/n)'s lips were soft and warm, and I was super happy I brushed my teeth earlier.
When we pulled apart, (y/n) had this ridiculous grin on her face that made her eyes crinkle in the corners.
I loved that smile.
"Can I tell you a secret?" I whispered. She giggled.
"I have a huge crush on Amelia Naiv." That was supposed to be a joke, but she obviously didn't know that.
(Y/n)'s face crumpled and she set her jaw. Closing the distance between us, she pushed me backwards into the freezing lake with the weird squids and fish and stuff.
I yelled and flailed around a bit, grabbing her hand to try to steady myself... But ended up pulling her down with me.
This just keeps getting better and better.
The sudden impact of water gave me an adrenaline rush and I surfaced quickly. I felt something swim past my leg and I shrieked. Then I shuddered.
I looked around for (y/n), and she was swimming to the surface.
I pulled myself up on the deck, then grabbed her arms and helped her up too.
(y/n)'s hair was stuck to her face and her makeup was sweated all around, making her look like a zombie. Water dripped from her nose and her teeth chattered.
"I'm so sorry!" I exclaimed. She rolled her eyes at me and hiccuped.
"S-s-s-stupid-d b-b-b-boys," she mumbled, sniffing.
I put an arm around her and (y/n) shivered.
"I was just kidding, (y/n)! Gods! Next time warn me before you push me into lakes with weird animals in them!" I kissed her cheek and held her tight, trying to warm her up.
"Next time, I'll r-r-rip off y-y-your head."

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