Chapter 3

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-BEEP BEEP BEE- I slammed my alarm clock. I jumped out of bed. Most of the time I wouldn't be this fast or excited but today it's different, today is the big day. The day that I'm going to Korea to see BTS together with Suza. It was all so dream like but in fact this was reality. I run downstairs and already saw my mom making breakfast and lunch for on the way to the airport. "Goodmorning ball of excitedment" my mom said laughing at how excited I was. "Morning mom!" I came op to her and gave her a kiss on her cheek. "Are you ready for today?" my mom asked. "Of course I'm ready!! Do you know how many times I dreamed about this day? And now it's reality!!". My mom chuckled and gave me my breakfast. I quickly ate it all up end went upstairs again to get ready. Once I was done I looked in my mirror. I looked at myself confidently "YUSHAA!!" I screamed excited I grabbed my suitcases and dragged them down. I almost fell down the stairs but I survived. Meanwhile my mom already drove the car to the house so it would be easier with the suitcases. When I looked out of the window I saw my mom arriving in front of the door. I quickly grabbed my suitcases and went to the front door. When my mom opened the door she was greeted by her big smiling daughter with two huge suitcases she could barely carry. She laughed at the scene and grabbed one of your suitcases, carrying it to the car. I also carried the other one. "So that's done" my mom said closing the back door, "let's pick up Suza". "Yess!!" I ran to the front of the car and took my seat. My mom got the car ready and drove to Suza's house. "I wish you were always this happy, excited, helpful and quick in the morning" she said jokingly. I giggled "Very funny mom".

Once we arrived at Suza's house she already stood at the front door, also with two huge suitcases. Me and my mom got out of the car and helped her with the suicases. Once we were done we all went inside the car again. "So, are you ready girls?" my mom asked excited. "YESS!!" we both screamed. "Alright, let's go then!!" the trip to the airport was fun. We listened to the radio and sung along with some songs untill we reached the airport.

-At the airport-
Everything was done, the only thing left was waiting for the airplane. We needed to wait a hour, so in that hour we ate some food at the local foodstores at the airport and damn that stuff is expensive! Before we knew it the hour flew by and it was time to get on the airplane. I looked at my mom and gave her a hug "Thank you mom for letting this happen, you are the best" I said smiling at her. She smiled back at me and stroke my hair, "Don't worry about it. I'm gonna miss you, you little dragon" she always called me that since I was young because I always made chaos of everything, actually just like Rap Monster. "I'm gonna miss you to mom" I broke the hug. "It's time to go" Suza said. "I know". "Watch out in Korea okay? Don't talk to boys and strange people and and an-" me and Suza chuckled at my mom. "Yeah yeah, we already know" I said smiling. My mom looked relieved, "Now go and have fun". "We will!!" we both said excited and headed to the airplane. We both looked back and waved at my mom for the last time before getting on the the plane.

-in the plane-
"WAAHHH~" we both looked out of the window, "look at the view!! Everything is so tiny and beautiful!!" I said excited. This was the first time I went on a plane, first I was kinda nervous but it all went away once I looked out of the window. "It's so beautiful~" Suza said. "Ohh, look how pretty our city looks from here" I said pointing at our city. A stewardess came up to us, "Do the ladies perhaps would like something to eat and/or drink?" she asked smiling kindly. "Yes, I would like to order a Coca Cola" I said. "And for the other lady?". "Ehmm, the same and also some sweets" Suza said. "Alright, it will be there in a few minutes. Enjoy the flight" the stewardess said kindly and walked away. After a while both orders came. It was a long flight, about 12 hours. But me and Suza  really enjoyed ourselfs. We listened to some Kpop songs, watched Kdramas and also talked about how awesome Seoul would be. "I can't wait~" I said excitedly. "Me neither!!". Soon we both fell asleep since we were really tired. I rested my head on Suza's shoulder and she rested her head on mine. "Attention everyone" we both woke up at the sudden voice from the speakers. "we will land in a half hour, I repeat we will land in a half hour". We both looked at each other with big smiles. "Just a half hour and we're in Seoul!!". "Kyaaaaa~" we both screamed while hugging each other from excitedment. Some passengers looked really annoyed at us but we both didn't really care about it.

The half hour flight by and before we knew it we were at the airport of Seoul. We both got our suitcases and went out of the airport. I looked around amazed. "Waahhhh, so awesome!!" Suza chuckled at me, "you really look like a child right now in a candy store". I pouted. Suddenly we heared a car beep. "Ahhh, our taxi!" Suza said. We both walked to the taxi. The man kindly smiled at us and grabbed both my suitcases and placed them in the car. He also did the same for Suza. "Thank you very much" I bowed to him. "Don't mind" he said kindly. He was an old man around the 50 you think, he was like the cute and caring grandpa sort of type. We were all getting in the car. "So your location will be the Gangnam area right? At the Aloft Seoul Gangnam hotel right?" we nodded our head. "Okay then, let's go!". Luckily it wasn't a long drive to the hotel. I looked out of the window in amazed at the scene of Seoul. Once we arrived at the hotel the man carried out our suitcases from the car. We said him farewell and went to the lobby of the hotel. At the reception a kind lady greeted us. "Hello, can I help you ladies?" she asked. "Yes, we booked this hotel for 3 weeks on the name Y/L/N" I said. The lady searched in the computer and after a few seconds she found the reservation, "Yes, I found it. You will be staying at room 325, which is on the third floor." she said. "Thank you very much" Suza bowed. "No problem, please enjoy your stay" the lady smiled. We both headed to our room. Once you unlocked the door we couldn't believe our eyes. "Waaahhh, so huge!!" I dropped my suitcases and ran in the room. It had a small living room with a kitchen, a sleeping room with two seperated beds and also 2 bathrooms. "Woohhhh, it's huge indeed" Suza said looking amazed. We both started to pack out our suitcases. After a while we were both finished. "So, shall we go and get something to drink? I saw a cute little coffee shop at a street not so far away from here" Suza said. "Sure!". We both headed to the coffee shop, but once we arrived, there was a huge crowd of girls screaming. "What is going on?" I asked confused. "I have no idea, let's find out!" she said. We both got close to the crowd and then you knew why there was this huge crowd of girls. Right infront of the coffee shop there was BTS... I couldn't believe what I saw. They were so close, yet so far away. I saw them in real life, chating with each other, laughing and being dorks. Tears started to form in my eyes. I was so happy. I scanned every single one of the member. But then, all sudden I made eye contact with Suga...


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