Chapter 20

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It's been 2 years since I'm back home from Korea. I am now 20 and finally got a job at a dance studio. Here I learn kids from the age of 6 to 12 easy choreos, who still look badass and it's such a fun thing to do! I work there for almost 1 and a half year and I'm really happy that I got this job since I always love to dance. Sadly me and Yoongi lost contact a year ago. I don't know how but we did. First months we skyped or facetimed everyday, but we both got it busy. He with the band, dance practises, shows, interviews, concerts etc. And me with my job. Facetiming everyday turned into 3 times a week and 3 times a week into once a week. And sadly once a week turned into once a month. After that I never heard of him again. I tried to call him, text him, everything I could. But it didn't work.

Now when I see him on the tv or social media I get happy to see that everything is going great with him and he's happy. But I also get extremely sad. Why doesn't he call me anymore? Am I not important anymore? Did he forget me? It just hurts. I grabbed the necklace that he gave me and I still wear everyday. When I look at the shows and pictures of Yoongi I see that he also still wears it. I look at the neckless 'Forever' it says. 'Together Forever', huh? Does this necklace still have a meaning? Everyday I hope he suddenly calls me, every single day I still have hope. But I never hear of him. But because of my job I saved enough money to move to Korea and work at a dance studio there.

Today is the day I finally move into my apartment in Gangnam Gu . It's not the biggest apartment but big enough for me. The dance studio where I will be working is called '1 Million Dance Studio' which is also located in Gangnam Gu. It's not far away from my apartment. It's 15 minutes walking, so I'm happy about that. Big Hit is also close so who knows, maybe I'll bump into Yoongi one day. I laughed at my own thought, if he still recognize me though. It's not that I changed a lot. The only thing that changed is my body and hair. My body because I work out a lot since I'm now a choreographer so I gotta stay fit and healthy. And my hair because it got really long and is now dark purple. After I unpacked all the boxes and everything was in place it was getting dark already. How late is it? I looked at my phone and saw that it was 9 PM. I still haven't had diner yet so I decided to grab some diner somewhere. I got out of my apartment and searched for a place.

It's been such a long time since I've been here. I still know the streets quite well since nothing has changed. Only a few shops extra but that's it. Maybe it's nice to go to that cute coffee shop I always went to with Suza. Suddenly my phone rang, I looked at it and saw it was Suza. I chuckled. Talking about the devil. "Hello?" I answered. "Hi Y/N, did you land safely? How is your apartment? Did you unpack everything already? When are you going to visit me?" she asked all these question so fast. I laughed, "Calm down and breathe, Suza. First of all, I landed safe. Second my apartment is the cutest ever. It's definately not the biggest but big enough for me. Luckily my work isn't that far from it either and yes I have unpacked everything. And last but not least, I will visit you next week, this week I'm really busy. Or wait, why won't you come over next week? Then you can see my apartment and we can have a girls night like we always had". Suza moved to Seoul 4 months ago and lives in Seocho Gu. It's next to Gangnam Gu, so it's not that far away luckily. "Sure!! Sounds nice, we'll call again for the day and stuff alright? I really have to go now because I'm having a business diner with another company but I said that I needed to go to the toilet" She laughed. Suza moved to Seoul because someone she knows works at a company there and they wanted her to also work there. First she didn't want to since we're really close. But I convinced her to go because I know she loves Seoul and always wanted to live there. And now that I also live here things are going to be really fun. I laughed, "Alright, go before they get a little annoyed because the lady takes to long" I joked. "Bye Y/N" she said and then hang up. I putted my phone in my pocket again and made my way to the coffee shop.

Once I arrived infront of the shop I got this big smile on my face. It's been such long time and I can already smell the coffee and the delicious food. "Annyeong" I smiled as I entered. "Ommoooo~ is that Y/N?" the old barista asked. I walked up to him and gave him a hug, "I'm back, just as promised". He smiled at me, "Take a seat and I will bring you the usual". I bowed and took my seat at the window. It's been 2 years, such a long time but now that I'm here it's like those 2 years didn't happen and I've always been here in Seoul. The old barista placed my coffee and food infront of me and also took a seat infront of me. "So how are you?" he asked. "I'm doing really good, since today I officially moved into my apartment here in Gangnam. It's not that far away from here and I also got a job here at a dance studio where I'll be having my own class to teach my students choreos." I told him excited. "You live here now?! That's so nice to hear! And also that you found a job which suits you" He said to me in his calm and caring voice. "I know right, I'm so excited!!" I laughed. After a while I finished eating and paid for everything. I went back to my place and changed into a big oversized shirt with just my panties. Maybe I should sleep? Tomorrow it's my first day at my new job.

-The next day-
"Alright!! And 1, 2, 3, slide, 4, 5, 6, 7 and 8". It was my first day and I'm learning my first dance to my students. It's really different since my last students were 10 years younger than these ones but it's also fun. They pick up my moves very fast and I can see they enjoy themselfs. All the other teachers are also nice to me and very kind. I got pretty close with Sori Na already. I adore her moves. It looks so simple yet so dope. "Goodjob everyone!!" I clapped my hands, "you all deserve a well earned break. We'll continue in 20 minutes!". They all bowed and thanked me. I grabbed my water bottle and towel and went outside for some fresh air.

I have 20 minutes, maybe I can go to the park? It's not far away and I have enough time so why not? I made my way to the park and to my favorite spot. The big cherry blossom tree at the lake. When I arrived I saw a figure of a man, sitting under the tree. I got curious and went to the person. And I froze. My towel and drink dropped out of my hand. Tears formed into my eyes. "Y-Yoongi?". There he was, sleeping peaceful right infront of me. He slowly woke up and opened his eyes and they widened in shock as soon as he saw me. "Y/N?!". He immediately got up as fast as he could and hugged me. Of course I immediatetly hugged him back. Finally I was in his arms again. The man I missed so much and love so much. But suddenly I got angry and pushed him away. He looked shock and confused. "Why did you stop calling me?! Why didn't you answer when I called or text you?! Tell me!!! Do you know how many nights I cried myself to sleep because I missed you?! Do you have any idea how much it hurt me?!!" I screamed at him. He looked down with a sad and painful expression. I know it also hurts him but I have to know. He looked up again, "I wasn't allowed to anymore from my manager. He said I didn't focus as much as I did anymore on the band and everything, so he said I needed to cut off things with you. Of course I refused and didn't want to and got angry. But then he broke my phone and gave me a new one immediately. So I lost your phone number and the members also didn't have it since we always facetimed through my phone" He explained. He went up to me and hugged me, "I'm so sorry Y/N. I got so sad and down because I couldn't have contact anymore with you. It hurt me so much and I also cried myself to sleep sometimes. I missed your voice, your laugh, your beautiful smile. I missed you so damn much. But when I looked at the necklace I got hope again and happy. I knew you didn't want me to be sad. That you want me to be happy. And I got happy when I look at the necklace, because it reminded me of you". I wrapped my arms around his neck and gave him a deep and sweet kiss. "I missed you idiot". He smiled, "I missed you to stupid'.

-The End-


Ommooo guysss😱
my first fanfic has officialy ended now 😭
I never expected it to have so much views 😱
I had a lot of fun writing it and the comments you left behind always put a smile on my face 😊

Thank you all so much for reading it and I hoped u enjoyed it 😘❤


Also, recently I started a Jooheon fanfiction from Monsta X 😊
So if you like Monsta X, please go check it out
Love you all and again thank you!! 😊❤

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