1st day at Chicago high

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Tris PoV

I walked into the giant building and took a moment to take it all in. Part of me was terrified it was such an intimadating place and everyone knew where they were going. it's my fault really joining 5 months into the school year....... Not that I had a choice in the matter.

With that in my mind I walked into the crowded halls and started my desperate search for my locker. I checked my timetable I had been given at the desk, locker 174. How I meant to find that, it could literally be anywhere and that's without all the people blocking the lockers so I can't tell what number is where.

I had been searching for what felt like hours, well in reality about 10 minutes, when it got too much I just slid down the wall. I tried to ignore all the people giving me weird looks, but they just discouraged me more. I don't want to be here anymore I just want to go home, problem is nowhere feels like home anymore.

Suddenly I am snapped out of my thoughts when a pair of boys walk up to me.

I flinched as they got closer they clearly saw that and stopped approaching me. However they did still talk to me. I am grateful for that though I can tell that these are genuinely nice people. Well I hope I'm not wrong here.

" excuse me, umm Beatrice is it, my name is Zeke and this is Uriah sadly, my idiot brother, well I just wanted to check ummm are you okay?"

I stared at him confused,"wait h...how do you know my name? and why wouldn't I be ok..... shit"

I had subconsciously gone to wipe my face and realised I had been sat in a corner crying, way to make a good impression Tris!

Uriah then spoke while sniggering at my comment wait that was out loud! , "everyone knows everyone around here and I like Tris more than Beatrice sounds more dauntless!"

Oh god I had said that out loud! I face palm at my stupidity causing us all to erupt with laughter.

" Right well tris come on we will take you to your first class, come on Uriah I doubt she will bite ?" Then Zeke continued to grab my timetable and scan down it, I couldn't help but smile at this.

" Right umm okay come on then I have science with Mrs Matthews first as well just be careful don't get on her bad side" Uriah added, he also winked making me blush like mad.

After I awkwardly asked they took me to my locker I just threw everything and slammed it shut and mumbled "damn lockers". We all laughed and walked the rest of the way to class in silence.

In the end we were late to first class and Mrs Matthews although clever, clearly hates me.

As soon as I walked in the door she screamed " of course you are late look at you, you think you are all that with your blonde hair and boys behind you well I'm here to tell you life isn't all rainbows and ponies sunshine, Now sit, there is a space there next to Four!"

I looked around the room and found the weird number boy she spoke of, part of me dreaded to find him. I felt like this day was going to go badly no matter what. I didn't move for a moment i had found him , I was caught in his heavenly dark blue eyes. They seemed to be swimming with so many emotions yet, he himself seemed closed off, everything about him made me want to learn more.

I was snapped out of my thoughts by Mrs Matthews "Now Prior!"

* time lapse - end of lesson *

Even though not a single word was spoken, I couldn't get those beautiful eyes out of my mind. When he got up to leave I noticed the rest of him, he had muscles that subtly showed through his tight black t-shirt and luscious dark brown hair, it was messy but I liked it.

Zeke and Uriah shouted across the room at well us, " Four wait a minute  my man, Oi Trissy come sit with us lunch!".

Number boy just stood there staring at me his eyes showed some emotion but it can't be anything good no one ever loved me really, you can't love something as broken as me, even my new friends Zeke and Uriah would soon see that.
Anyway anyone could clearly see he looked quite awkward as if he didn't want me to be there.

I started to feel bad, it was happening again my mind was taking over screaming all these thoughts at me, you will only make them miserable, they are pretending to like you,  no one could ever like you! You are not worthy of this life you ungrateful girl!

I felt myself tearing up and I didn't know what to do. Then he spoke to me, Four he asked if I would sit with them trying to reassure me that I was wanted as if he knew I felt self conscious.

I wiped my face for the second time that day trying to remain positive telling myself it will be fine. I was walked into the canteen and introduced to a massive table of their friends I'm assuming. I can't believe that I actually have people that care for me already..... then of course my mind could not handle the positivity and whispered you deserved what happened don't forget that you will forever carry the burden, how cruel of you to want to share it!

I shivered for a moment and felt myself regret coming over here eventually i pushed the thought away for now and listened as they were all introduced. There was Christina and she was sat with a boy introduced as a Will, they clearly like eachover. She has lovely short brown hair and immediately squealed. She turned to a small group of girls called Marlene, Shauna and Lynn who all seemed nice. Then Christina started speaking to me,
" We are going to be great friends, how do you feel about shopping?? Nails, Hair!! Wait I know what we need Slumber party!! No even better Party party!"

Everyone nodded and smiled like crazy! I know this will be fine I have somehow got more friends than I have ever had all in one day.

sorry this isn't that great and I have no idea where this is going to be honest!

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