Your Daughter Gets Her First Period And You're Not Home #9

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Ran out of ideas for Liam sorry. =(

Zayn: “Dad? Um..wheres mum?” Your 14 year old daughter asked her father who was currently in the middle of watching the football (soccer) game. “She’s away on a business trip for the weekend, why?” He asked, still focused on telly. “Um..I need mum.” She said, holding back tears. He stole a quick glance at her before doing a double take and rushing to her side. “Zamira, why are your crying love?” “I want mum!!” “B-but I’m here.” “But I need mum!!” She cried as Zayn held her tight. “Baby, just tell me what happened… What boy do I need to kill?” He said suddenly, pulling away from his daughter, eyes turning dark. “Nobody dad. My boyfriend is fine.” “Thats good…Wait, WHAT! You have a boyfriend!!” He said, pulling away once more, now eyes wide. “DAD!!” Zamira cried, louder this time. “Can you just please tell me what happened?” Zayn said, not giving up. “Please dont look at me weird but..I um…need..stuff.” She mumbled, stepping back. “Stuff?” Zayn asked confused. “What kind of..stuff?” “Stuff..” She said, her cheeks getting red. She looked up at him and saw his puzzled expression. “See! This is why I need mum!” She said, sighing. “Stu-Ohh. OHHH!!!” He said, catching on. “Stay here, dont go anywhere. I dont know where your mum keeps her ah..stuff..but I’m running to the store to get some. I’ll pick up a few magazines, chocolate and some aspirins. Then, I’ll come back and cook you some nice food. Here call mom, tell her. My baby is finally a woman!!” He shouted with joy, handing Zamira the house phone.  ”Be back love!!” He said, kissing Zamira’s forehead and rushing out of the house and down the the drugstore.

Harry: “MUM!!” Your twelve year old daughter called from the bathroom. “Mum went to work sweetie, Im home for the day, whats wrong?” Harry asked, walking to the bathroom door. “N-Nothing.” “It doesn’t sound like nothing. Darcy, open the door.” He said, beginning to turn the door handle. “NO!” Darcy screamed, running to the door and turning the lock. “Darcy…” “I cant dad!!” “And why not?” “I..I just cant. Please, just leave me alone.” She said. “Im not leaving my baby alone. Now open this door before I make you open it!” “NO!” Harry had enough. If she wasnt going to open the door, he would have to do it himself. He stepped back, then charged into the door making it fall the the ground. He stepped in to see Darcy sitting in the corner of the bathroom, holding her stomach, silent tears falling. He rushed over to her and picked her up. “Darc, what’s wrong?” He cooed, carrying her to the couch. “Y-you didnt have to break the door you know.” She said, trying to get off the topic. “Yes I did, or else I wouldnt have found you, and I wouldnt be able to take care of you. Now, what happened?” “Do I really have to tell you?” She whined, laying down, still holding her stomach. “Yes you do” Harry replied, sitting by her feet. “I um.. Im osh my pershied.” She said, muffled. “Say that again?” Harry said, not catching the words the first time. Darcy sighed. “Dad, I’m on my first period, are you happy?” She said, rather irritated. All the blood from Harry’s face drained before he soon jumped up. “My baby girl is a woman!!” He said, rushing to the phone. “Please dont call mum and tell her. Especially not at work.” Darcy groaned. “Of course not. Im calling Aunt Gemma to go pick up some things while I make some food, ok?” “Alright.” Darcy replied, snuggling into the blanket her dad had draped over her.

Niall: “Daddy?” Your fifteen year old daughter, Ashlyn, said, walking into you and Niall shared bedroom. “Yes Ash?” He said, waking up a bit. “Did mim leave for work already?” “Yeah, why?” He asked, sitting up in bed and rubbing his eyes. “No reason.” She said softly, fumbling with her fingers. “You sure?” Her dad asked, not believing her for one second. “Um..yeah.” She said, turning to leave out of the room. “Ashlyn, what happened. You’d never waking up this early during the summer time.” Niall said, glancing at his bedside clock. “I just …am hungry..” “Arent we all. Now tell me whats really wrong.” Niall folded his arms. “I am..on my..cycle…?” She said, unsure of how to say it, and feeling uncomfortable taking to her dad about it. “You mean your period?” He said, getting up out of bed. “Um..yeah.” She repeated, cheeks turning pink. Niall came up to her. “Dont be embarrassed, it’s  not like I wouldnt have found out.” He said, hugging Ashlyn. “Here.” He handed her one of your unopened bag of pads. “You know how to use them..right?” He said, not wanting to show her  “Yup, I’m good.” Ashlyn said, chuckling. “Alright, go get cleaned up. Oh, does your stomach hurt..or..” “No I feel fine I just know.” Niall held up his hand and nodded his head in disgust  “I-I know. Just, go get cleaned up. I’ll order us some breakfast and leave some ice cream on the front table for you.” Niall called over his shoulder, walking out of his room, leaving Ashlyn confused on how much he knew about periods.

Louis: “MUM!” Your daughter, Kade, called out of her bedroom. “She left for work early!!” Her dad called back. “Ugh!” Kade said, walking downstairs. “My stomach hurts.” The thirteen year old said, slipping into the high chairs that surrounded the island in your kitchen, watching her dad skillfully flip pancakes. “Are you sick?” He asked. “Sorta..” “Do you need to go to the hospital?” “No, I just..need to talk to mum.” “You can call her, she’s probably in the parking lot.” “Ok.” She said, slipping off the chair and walking into the living room. “Mum?” “Hi sweetie. Whats up?” “Mom..I on my period.” “What!” “Yup.” “Ok, ok..go ask your sister to show you where I keep the extra pads. And..let me talk to your dad.” “Please dont tell him mum!!” “I wont, Im only going to tell him to give you certain things. So, does your stomach hurt?” “Yes, but its not like, excruciating pain. Its mild. And my legs hurt.” “Alright, just give the phone to your dad and go get the pads. Then come back down and you’ll dad will give you everything you need.” “Alright, thanks. Love you.” “Love you.” “Hey dad, mum wants to talk to you” she said, handing her dad the phone and walking upstairs to your sisters room.


Kade came back downstairs to find her dad setting up the couch. “Ok, so watch TV, call me if you need anything, I’ll be right in the room next door, working, um..heres aspirin  one every hour,  heres some water, ginger ale,  the TV remote-” “She told you, didnt she.” “Yeah..” he said, cheeks turning pink. Kade rolled her eyes and sat down on the couch  “Thanks daddy.” She kissed his cheek and turned on the TV  enjoying her little ‘lazy’ day.

A/N: Im so so so so so so so so so so soooo sorry!! I didnt have anymore ideas for Liam =(

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