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Parker's P.O.V.

"Daddy!" I heard a scream as I walked into my house. I smiled as I caught my little girl. I lifted her up as her two brothers came running toward me. They each hogged my leg and I smiled at my pups.

I looked away from my pups to see the love of my life walking toward us with a scowl on her face and her hand on her huge belly.

I can't believe, I have these pups with most beautiful woman. She gave me three amazing pups and we are expecting another one.

"Parker! Tell your pups to behave!" She scowled at me as I kissed her pink lips.

"Ew, don't kiss my mom!" Mason, my six year old son, said as he pushed me away.

"My mommy!" Marcus said and he hugged Brooklyn. He's such a mommy's boy, he's the youngest. I don't even want to think how he will act when Brooklyn gives birth to one more boy.

"Okay settle down! And Maya get down, you all need to eat!" Brook ordered them. I put down my little girl.

Just as I was about to tell them I'll be in my office, Brooklyn narrowed her eyes at me. "You too Parker." She ordered and we all followed the boss lady.

I can't believe how wimped I am.

"I made steaks." Pups cheered and I along with them. "but first you need to eat your vegetables." They groaned.

"You too Parker." She said and I sighed.

We put the pups in their chairs and Brooklyn put the food on the table. I helped her and we finally took a seat. Pups hungrily started eating their vegetables, so they can eat steak.

"How was your day?" She asked me.

"It was shit." I said.

"Why?" she asked when she checked did the pups heard my language.

"I had to do all the paper work, Chris isn't here so I couldn't dump all the papers to him." My beta went to another pack to take care of some business with their alpha.

"My neck feels sore." I said and rubbed my neck.

"When we put the kids to sleep, I'll give you a massage." She said smirking.

"Deal." I winked at my mate.

"Daddy I painted the wall, but mommy is angry." Maya said sadly. I tried not to laugh as I looked at angry Brooklyn in front of me.

"That's great, I don't understand why's mummy angry." I said and smirked at the look Brooklyn gave me.

"It's pink now with you and me on it." She's a my little girl. I spoiled her too much, but I don't care. I'm going to continue doing it till I die.

"You need to show me your room after we eat." I told her and kissed the top of her head.

"It's in the living room." Brooklyn growled at me. 

"It goes great with brown furniture!" Maya said happily.


"I was waiting for you all day." Brooklyn said as she walked out of the closet with only underwear on. I gulped as I felt my buddy twitch. Her belly made her even more attractive, it feels so good knowing she's carrying my pup.

"Come here baby." I said.

"No, you lay down and I'll give you a massage." She said.

"You're killing me." I mumbled as I laid down. Brooklyn sat on my back and started massaging my back.

I moaned as her cold hands touched my back. Tingles went through my whole body and my buddy started rising.

"Fuck me." I mumbled in pleasure of her hands on my back.

"I'll in a minute." She said laughing. I laughed at her. I don't know what I did to deserve this perfect woman. We both hurt each other, but we healed each other.

Now I can't imagine life without this woman. She's my everything, her and our pups.

"MOM! Marcus is being a sissy!" Mason yelled. I sighed in disappointment.

"Shut up Mason!" Marcus yelled at his brother.

"I want my daddy!" Maya yelled from her room.

Brooklyn sighed and got off my back.

"You go to Maya, I'll take care of the boys." She said as she put her robe on.

"I'm not finished with you!" I growled. Kissing her one more time I went to Maya's room. 

"Baby girl." I said. If anybody saw me right now I would have to kill them. Everybody knows Maya is daddy's girl, but they don't know I'm wimped as fuck by my two girls.

"You didn't kiss me goodnight daddy!" Maya complained.

"Daddy's sorry baby girl." I told her and I tickled her with my beard a little. Maya laughed as she tried to push my head away.

"No, that's ticklish!" She said and she kept laughing. I laughed at her and let her go.

"You need to shave daddy." She told me.

"You're mommy likes it." I said smirking, but being the little girl she is she didn't get it.

"Mommy likes being tickled?" She asked me. I smiled at her innocence, I'm going o make sure she stays innocent till she's thirty.

I kissed her forehead.

"Go to sleep, silly." I tucked her in.

"Goodnight daddy!"

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