The Journey

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A/N:Hopefully this one goes smoothly,even though the previous is kinda rush and i'm sorry for that.Well here's a new chapter and now Gene should begin his adventure trying to find what's left of the demons.Enjoy!

As Gene is heading for the gate of the town in South,his mind is wondering around of how powerful the new demons are now.Probably stronger than Devil Hand?Or even worse than Angra?This questions will remain unanswer until he is face to face with them.Without Gene realizing,he's finally in the South Gate."Careful on your way!",a gate keeper shouted at Gene.
Gene just wave his hand on the gate keeper and grinning to himself,as to what people could call it 'cocky'.Gene keep walking on and venture through the road ahead of him.'No signs of them,weird.',Gene wonder and on guard just in case of an ambush.

And then as if God himself hates Gene,4 demons jump out and land a kick to Gene but Gene backflip out of the way."Heheheh,where you might be headin' to,Mr.Who Owns The God Hands?",the tallest one ask Gene with a cocky tone in his voice.His appearances is no diffrent than the previous demon he fought at the town.Three others demon is at least 15cm less taller than the taller one.One if them is wearing an eyepatch with a funny coat with a shirt and long pants.The other two is just same as the demons two years ago.

"To the town where the rumors is spreading about a demons grouping there.Now if you will,could get put of the way Mr.Who Easily Get Wreck?",Gene taunt the taller demon while replying the question.The taller demon is angered and pissed,he waves a hand as a sign to attack him all at once.Funny appearance demon attempt a high kick and an uppercut but blocked succesfully,no rather easily by Gene.The other two try to punch Gene in to the face but instead Gene dodge both of it and land a power punch to the right demon and bust his teeth.The demon lay down lifeless as he cough out blood.

The left demon then back of but grab by Gene and receive a poweful knee shot in the stomach.While comforting out his stomach in pain,Gene jumps pass him and grabbing the demon head down,completely knocked him out of concious.Funny demon is shocked and desperately performs a combo which is a three fast punch to Gene's stomach,and lastly a kick to the chest catching Gene off guard.The combo was performed succesfully,Gene is knock back to a huge rock at his back with a thud.Gene sprint to the demon and land an uppercut to the chin,with a powerful kick to the sky which he calls it Dragon Kick.The kick was so powerful that a star was blink in the sky with the demon never coming back.

"Man,his combos really hurt.Olvia is right,I need to be careful.",Gene wonder out loud while getting to his impetious fighting stance.The demon also get into his fighting stance.Both fighters circling around.The demon make the first move and dash to Gene.Seeing this,Gene back off while readying himself.The demon try a punch to the chest but blocked by Gene.Gene take the opportunity and make a consecutive punch to the demon in the stomach.The demon is knock back a little but stands,but then the demon was shocked to see Gene is not in front of him.The demon tilt his dace around,finding Gene's location.

The demon feels someone tapping his should and then there Gene is.The demon was shocked once again.,backing off but unfortunately his head was grabbed by Gene.Gene grabbed his head down to his knees painfully and a backflip kick to the chin,making the demon dizzy,holding his head painfully.Gene pummels the demon with a fast powerful punch with the last one that is really powerful that the demon was sent flying.The demon is now unconcious.Gene rub his nose with his finger thumb,grinning."That wasn't so bad.But still man,that combo is no joke.",Gene talking to no one particularly.Gene then continue his journey to the town in South where Olivia told him that the villager and traveller is tortured by the demons.

"*sigh*,Let's go i guess.",again talking to no one particularly as he resumes his walk.
Around 12 Kilometer from before's location:
Gene now finally arrive to the town.The sight there was unbearable.Villagers was tortured,it is worse than how Olivia had mention.Some is been kick,some is been whip like a bitch who don't obey the command and some is dancing,what?Gene dash on to save them but then completely surrounded by 10 demons,grinning madly.Gene grinnnervously while cracking his knuckles.
To be continued:
A/n:Not really important notes but hopefully you can enjoy this chapter.Please vote and apenjoy reading.Comment of what you don't understand or a suggestion!

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