Bring It On!

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A/N:I took the picture from google.So the credit goes to the one who made that picture.Well on to chapter 3!(Sorry for late update)

'Shit,i'm surrounded by these guys.Guess this will be enjoyable.',Gene was smirking at the thought.Yes,he is surrounded by the demons in the town."Bring it on,devil bastards!",Gene was grinning madly as he told then all to come at once.And they did,all of them rush him at once.Gene still grinning deliver a powerful blow to the most closest to his position to the stomach and sends him flying,making a star in the sky.He barely dodged a drop kick by the other and deliver a 3 punch combo,2 the chest and lastly,the powerful one to the face.

"You won't get me like that,bring more and let me enjoy this!",Gene scream aloud as more come into the location he's currently in.Gene dashes to the incoming demons and sends a kick to one of them to the face,sending the unlucky person flying.Another one is in reach for an attack,trying to hit Gene with a fast 4 punch and a kick.Gene saw it coming,so he dodged all 4 punches that were sent to him and backflipped,not intending to get his ass kick.Gene's right arm was glowing a bright light.As the light stops glowing,Gene turns around and kick the demon to the balls.The demon's face was blue and grabbing it's balls in pain.Gene swept the demon p,making him fall and then deliver a punch and sends the demon flying.

"Two more left.",Gene stop grinning,as if he was dissapoonted."Good griefs.And here i thought when Olivia wpsaid you're stronger than before and just this?The joke ain't funny you dumb bastards!!",Gene scream in anger.A faint lightning was formed once in Gene's eyes.Gene then deliver a powerful blow to the demon.Gene was so fast that the second demon just blinked like an idiot,which they was.Gene on to the second one,first a punch to the face and a suplex.The upper body of the demon was inside the land while the lower one is outside.

"Damn demons,just learn your damn lessons already.",Gene said with anger in his voice.He then resumes his walks but not so long than 10 meters.Gene stopped because he heard a voice,a deep voice that would make anyone scared and pissed their pants.

"No we won't learn our lessons.",not so far behind of Gene's a figure blandly said.Gene turns around to see the owner of the voice.The owner of the voice had a spiky front hair with a ponytail in the back.His eyes was those of a sadistic person.His outfits were really weird for a demon.On his left arm is a shoulder pads that goes to the elbow and arm guard but his right arm is just ripped of it clothes,simply revealing his tattooed arm.He wore which is a vest and a baggy pants,and most importantly he wears a snickers."Huh,you're the God Hand huh?Was expecting else,but not something like this.",the demon just said it like nothing.Like an emo.

"Finally,a boss fight.This just reminds me of the fat guy i fought back.So what,has your underlings got beaten woke you up,of my royal demon boss?",Gene asked and stating some sorts feeling of deja vu just like how he first fought Elvis.

"Our organisation has more members than the Four Devas you completely demolished years ago.So many that it split into 3.Just kidding,there's only 9 of us and i'm from the first organisation,the Black Rose.Name's Rak."Rak was spilling the information Gene just need."All this kidnapping rumors is true,we kidnap then we kill.Consume and devour.This was to lure you're here.Our plan is to revive them so they can send despair into this ugly world.",once again Rak spilled out the information.

"Maniac,just to lure me here you killed innocent explorers and travllers just to make a rumors?What a good plan indeed.",Gene said sarcasticly."Don't worry,if it's me you want,then it is me you will get.",Gene exclaims and waving his hands as if telling Rak to come.Rak was pissed like when your friend tells you a joke and you nearly get it but the answe was stolen by someone else.

"You will regret this,human!!",Rak shouts.Two wings appeared out from his back.His skin turns completely red and some parts is red.A horn also grows from his head.His eyes then chenged from ovale to a demonic's eye.A spear in red and black as it trims colours formed in his hand.Rak's dashes to Gene like a wave,to normal people it would seems more like a blink rather than a dash.

Gene dodge the spear and do a round house kick to the face of Rak but it was blocked by Rak's forearm.Gene,after failing delivering the round house kick quickly backs off to regain balance.Then once his balance was regained,he dashes to Rak to sends a combo.Gene try to right hook Rak but blocked and then a kick,just like before it was blocked.Rak's backflipped thrice.He then formed some kind of spell."Lanza Del Relam Pago.",Rak speaks the name and then threw the spear that is formed in a blinding speed.

Gene barely dodged it and then he stopped and just keep standing.Gene then does a pose,Rak was confused by his actions.Soon,Gene yelled."Chain Yanker.".Rak's eye was widen to see he immediately get pulled towards Gene.Caught off guard by this,Gene delivers a mighty blow to the face.Rak was dizzy that he couldn't tell what was going on.Gene took this chance and pummels Rak with powerful punch to the chest,stomach,arm,face,neck and everything.Instead of sending him flying,Gene uppercut him and Rak is in mid air.Gene then make a pose and a shiny white bat was formed on Gene right arm,with the lights glowing."Slam Batting !",Gene shouts as he jumps and slammed Rak hard to the ground using the bat.Smoke was formed after the slam.A crater was made on the ground,it was huge that even outside the town even has a crater.Rak went 14ft deeper into the ground.Rak was damged with the blood on his face,his mouth.

"Impossible,for a mere human to defeat me,the mighty Rak!!!",Rak is denying his defeat.He stands up but shaking because of the damage he receives.He then tries to slash Gene's in half.Unfortunately,was blinded by a glowing light.Gene was looking really pissed.He stared Rak very deathly.The tattooes on both Gene's is glowing.Gene has unleashed the God Hand because of one simple reason:Rak pissed him off.

Gene blinked to Rak and delivers a normal but could make an adult cry punch,a head and a kick in a blinding speed.Rak's was getting weaker by each punch that was delivered and keeps coughing out saliva and blood.Last attack from Gene was a powerful uppercut that sends Rak flying to the sky at least around 16 meter tall.Gene was ready to finish him off."May these lights,shine upon his souls through this,GOD HAND!!!",Gene reads some kind of rituals then sends out 5 golder fireballs to Rak.

"No,this is impossible.I am the mighty Rak.Such an attack won't hurt m-",he was cut off by the first golden fireball that hit him.Then follows by the second,third,fourth and fifth golden fireball.Slowly,a crack was seen in Rak's body then more crack slowly formed.Rak then exploded,demolished by Gene.

"Lessons for demons #1:Never piss me off.",Gene speak the words coldly.Gene then resumes the aalk and head back to the inn where Olivia is staying."1 down,8 more to go.But who is this 'them' he is talking about?",Gene wondered out loud as to what Rak's said to him.

Somewhere far above:

"I see,so Rak has been demolished.Interesting.No matter how many we lost.We will revive them no matter the risk,ahahahahahahahaaa!!",a demon in a black suits with a white blue striped tie laughed evilly.The other demons follow the laugh.

The End.

A/N:Phew,that was one hell of an update.Well,stay tune for the next chapter.This story might only last around 10-20 but we shall see.Cheers!

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⏰ Last updated: May 18, 2016 ⏰

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