The Seedbed Instillation

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A/N: This will be a 5-chapter fiction. Update for The Juxtapose Accentuation will be posted tomorrow. Apologies for grammar or spelling errors; I am my own beta.

Disclaimer: I still don't own anything related to TBBT that is included in this fan fiction.

Chapter 2: The Seedbed Instillation

Summer vacation was about to begin. Sheldon was in his office, lost in thought, holding his grandmother's ring and turning it over and over. A knock sounded on the door, but he was too engrossed to notice it. When Leonard got no response, he tried to open the door and was surprised it was unlocked. Peeking from behind the door, he spotted Sheldon behind his desk.

"Sheldon?" He opened the door wider and went in, "Sheldon? Buddy?" He tried again, but the man can't seem to hear him at all. He slowly walked closer to his desk. Sheldon caught sight of him and finally broke out of his stupor.

"Did you want anything, Leonard?" He asked, nonchalantly. His friend noticed the ring in his hand and looked between him and the item.

"Well, it's time for lunch, but is everything okay? I knocked and called you but you didn't even notice me till I approached you."

Sheldon was thoughtful. Is everything okay? Yes. Everything was fine. Everything has been going well for him. His relationship with Amy was in a better place than ever. His and Leonard's Super fluid experiment is being reviewed and they were expecting the feedback in less than a couple of weeks. Could he tell Leonard?

"Nothing is wrong, per se," he began. "I'm just thinking about how to propose to Amy."

"Oh. Well, that's great news. Is there anything that I can help you with?" He asked, offering a comforting smile.

"Well, I haven't thought of a plan." Sheldon admitted, hanging his head low.

Leonard cocked his head to the side and his brows drew together. "How did you envision proposing to her before she broke up with-" He stopped at the look on Sheldon's face, "I'm sorry. I didn't mean to bring that up. I had to ask, because surely you had a plan then, right?"

Sheldon sighed. He did. Somehow the original plan didn't sound good enough. It was too banal for his taste. Proposing over a romantic dinner suddenly seemed... boring, to him. He didn't like parties, so proposing in front of an audience is a no-go, not even if those people are their friends. "I did... but I don't want to go with that. Amy deserves something better than a dinner proposal."

Leonard was glad that Sheldon was giving the matter a lot of thought. Although, he really shouldn't be surprised. This wasn't the same guy. Not in the sense that he wasn't boastful, indignant or annoying almost every time anymore; but he was more... human. He's more capable of understanding and acknowledging emotions. And he witnessed firsthand, the changes that the ShAmy rift brought on to him. He also had to remember that this was still Sheldon; the man who was always keen on planning.

"Well, if you ever need any help, let me know. How about that lunch?" Sheldon just nodded and stood from his chair.


The group was having one of their usual dinner at 4A. Light conversation was being exchanged over familiar food. Amy noticed that Sheldon was barely talking, and hasn't consumed most of his meal. She looked at him and saw a distant look on his face; like he's seeing something else in front of him. She tapped his shoulder lightly and he focused his gaze on her. "Is there something wrong with your food?" Amy asks, concern in her voice, apparent.

Sheldon looked down on his food and was surprised that to see that it was barely touched when most of the group are almost done eating. "Uh, no. The food is fine. Why do you ask?" He said, trying to conceal his confusion. How long have I been thinking about my plan? He asked himself.

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