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I folded the paper in half, then unfolded it. I folded down the corners, then folded them towards the middle. I folded the paper in half and bent down the wings. Once I finished all my folding, I reached for the stapler on Mrs. Ryder's desk. She looked at me but didn't say a word because she didn't bother to ask anymore. I put two staples in my plane and set the finished product down on my desk.

That's when I noticed the girl next to me watching every move I made. I glanced sideways at her. She looked up at me.

"Can I have it?"

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This is just the page that tells you what ends up happening in the middle of the story. I didn't know what to call it so I figured you guys deserved an explanation down here. Anyways, I'm still writing The Life Story of Sumer Rye but after teaching this kid in my social studies class how to make a paper plane, I started to get a really good idea for a new story and I wanted to start writing it before I forgot all about it. So there's the explanation for you and I hope you'll read this story and love it as much as I do.

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