He Came Along Right When She Needed Him .11.

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"prepared to die eve?"

"stop it! Leave me alone"

"i kidnapped michael only so that, i could kidnap you too! And then kill him in front of you! Just like i killed Elizabeth"

- - - - - - - - - - -

"i had that dream again" i told Oliver,as we sat in his kitchen,biting down on blue-berry pancakes which i had made for us.

Its been three days since i ran away from michaels house,his face-his beautiful,sexy,perfectly featured face- still haunts me in my dreams!

Whenever i close my eyes,all i see is him!him!him!him!him!damnit!

Olivers been really nice to me though! He even helped me fill out a form for a job at the public library. Hopefully ill get the job.

Trust has also developed alot between us.

Ive told him about my recent "visions" and constantly reccuring dreams. Every night,we sit together on the couch and he tries to help me remember, who River and Landon are! But so far we've had no luck.

"the one about ur dad?" oli asked

"yeah,but this one was..umm different! He said..he said that he wanted to kill michael in front of me so that i could see him die just like my mom did" i explained

"dont worry,he cant get to michael" consoled oliver

"how is he?michael?" i asked quietly. Trying not to show oli how much it still hurt me to think about him

"hes fine,i invited him over for lunch today" he WHAT?

"YOU WHAT?!" i squeeked. Alright i did more then squeek,i practically threw a tantrum.

"you guys are talking again?"

"yup,told ya we've been friends since forever,besides he agreed to back off and let you take your time,but boy! Do you take your time" oliver said with a laugh "so i called him over since you guys were taking FOREVER to talk"

"SO! YOU! INVITED! HIM! HERE!? Who the HECK do you think im hiding from,Oli?"


"hey Oli you in there?"

"oops too late!behave evelyn" said oli before giving me a smile and a wink.

"fine!but you are NOT leaving me alone with him" i growled

once the door was opened and michael stepped in,i knew that today was going to be a long long day.

"ive been knocking since forever! Where the heck have you.....Eve?"

there he was! Just like i remembered him! Perfect! he was wearing a navy blue shirt,which clung around his perfectly toned body and hugged his muscles expertly. His blue jeans werent helping either. Sigh! michaels brown hair was tousled and looked like he had just woken up! I wish i couldve woken up with him! Omg! Wtf? No way! Im not going to continue dreaming about some guy who obviously doesnt respect me or for that matter even like me.

"hi" i said feebly,feeling my knees weaken.damn it! Get a grip!

Michael ran over to me and enveloped me into a gigantic bear hug,thankGod the bruise on my ribs had healed!

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⏰ Last updated: Nov 25, 2009 ⏰

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