Fitz 4

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Jemma wasn't waking up, and it was starting to stress Fitz out. He would've asked Bobbi, the only other person with medical training, to take a look at her, but she was busy trying to put pressure on her bleeding stomach. Her stitches had come out while fighting to secure the van they were now in, and Hunter's erratic driving wasn't doing her any favors.

"Sorry, love." Hunter commented when he swerved and made Bobbi mess up her sutures. She only grumbled in response.

Putting what little medical knowledge Fitz had to use, he decided to check Jemma for serious injuries. It was difficult with a broken arm, but he'd manage.

She didn't look as bad as he thought she would. Her pale face was the only thing visible other than her hands due to her long pants and sleeves. Gently brushing her hair away, Fitz saw that Jemma's left eye was all the way shut, and the cheekbone under it was probably fractured. That was all he could see for now. Lincoln or Bobbi would have to do a thorough check later.

"Uh, guys... We have a little tiny problem..." Lance said uneasily from the driver's seat.

The team perked up at this (well, except Jemma of course), and Bobbi spoke.

"What's wrong?"

He didn't need to respond. The van sputtered to a stop in the middle of the backroad they were on. Fitz checked the van's dash GPS. They were still 4 hours away from the base.

"We're out of fuel." Hunter stated.

"No duh. Anyone know of a nearby gas station?" Daisy quipped, even though none of them knew the area at all. They all shook their heads.

"No use in just sitting here," Hunter said, undoing his seatbelt, "let's go look. There has to be a petrol station somewhere."

Mack took Jemma in his arms while Fitz and Daisy carried the spare gas cans from the back of the van. Hunter helped Bobbi limp down the road.

The road stayed straight for a half a mile or so, but split into two paths soon after. They could go either right or straight. Fitz strained to see down the streets, but the surrounding forests were too dense to see through.

"Do we split up?" Daisy asked, voicing everyone's internal question.

"I say yes," said Hunter, "two gas cans, two paths. Just split into teams."

"Okay," Daisy started, "me, Jemma, and Mack will go right. You, Bobbi, and Fitz go that way."

Fitz hated being apart from Jemma with her being in such a state she was in, but he decided against protesting when remembering Hydra was probably closing in on them as they spoke. He kissed Jemma on the head and ran off with his assigned team. Time was running out.

Simmons was in the back of his mind the entire time. While the trio was jogging down the road, dodging cars, asking joggers where a possible stop was. The entire time.

Eventually, searching and running got old, so the team decided to siphon some had from a stationary car and leave some wet cash on the windshield.

Fitz said this was stealing. Hunter replied that it was for the greater good. He didn't argue.

Back at the fork in the road, the entire team rejoined. Hunter's squad had the same thought as Daisy's in electing to 'steal' fuel.

Everything would have been fine from then on. It would have been, except when the gang reached their van again, Hydra was there waiting.

I AM SOOO SOOOOO SORRY FOR THE WAIT!!!! I have been so busy with soccer. I've missed 3 days of school for it so now I have make up work as week. I'm writing this as I'm in the car on a 6 hour drive.

I'm also sleep deprived so I have no idea how this came out. Oh well.

Only 2 (?) chapters left!

Feedback welcome


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