Stage 3: Traumitized

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I woke up to the screen already flicked on and it vodoo doll staring viciously at me. I was scared out of my mind. What the hell was planned up in an empty space in his head?

"Hello, Alashah. How did you sleep?" he said


"What the hell did I ask you?!" He screamed 

"I'M SORRY! I slept fine" I said scared and so close to crying

"That's what I thought"

I looked around me and everyone was looking at me with fear in their eyes.Everyone was in tanks with long and pointy nails on top of them

"This is Stage 3. And it is called Traumitized. In Stage 2 I percisely said, "I isn't in Team"  and Domonique and Alashah acted like they didn't want to help. So I took Alashah and now your lives are in her hand. And "I isn't in Team"  now does not work for this challenge"

I held my head down

"Alashah, do you see the pizza's infront of you?"

I nodded a yes and he continued

"You are to eat those. Once you are done the those 5 pizza's they will be let loose and look at you suffer. If they try to help you then you and that person gets killed at the end of the challenge and no one will be able to save the remander of those in the tank. you have 8 minutes to save them if you fail, those nails above them will penetrated through there skulls. And time starts, NOW"

I looked down and seen the pizza's I didn't have much time to eat so I took a bite and hurried and swallowed it. It was disgusting. There were maggots in it and I had to fully chew it so they won't eat my insides. This made the challenge even harder. I was terrrified and this is not appitizing at all what's-so-ever. I was going to be dead. 

After I finished the first 5 Alashah came out of her tank. Then I went to Chresanto's I looked him in the eyes and all I saw was plead. I had to save him. So I stuffed the pizza's in my mouth. I had a plan to throw it up after the challenge. I finished his and only had 2 minutes left to save Domonique. All I saw in his was dark. He kept shouting at me to hurry up. 


I looked at him and turned the other way. there was only 30 seconds on the clock and I didn't want to save him. So I looked around to find a garbage can and seen none in sight so I went to a corner and stuck my hand down my throat and threw everything up. I kept doing it until I was sure there wasn't anything left. Then I went to the water fountail in the other corner and got water and washed around my mouth and spit it out to get the taste out. 

I went to over to them and hugged them to death. I turned around and seen Domonique giving me a hateful glare and the bird. I said "I HATE YOU!" and seen the nails come down, and before you know it Domonique was dead with his eyes rolled to the back of his head.

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