Stage 2: Sweet Agony

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"I woke up in a chair with a headache. I looked around and saw Aaliyah in front of me tied up chains and a gag in her mouth and I seen everyone tied up by chains and a gag on their mouth. Then I looked at myself and seen my hands under a border and nails all around it. They were long and looked very sharp. I grew wide with fear terrified of what was about to happen.

Then the screen on the right flickered on and I saw that same voodoo doll there on it's little tricycle. 

"Wakey, wakey!" I screamed viciously.

Everyone's head shot up at the screen. All their attention was on the voodoo doll including mine.

"Here's Stage 2. It's called Sweet Agony" I cringed at the name. The name even sound scary and I had a clue I was going to be the one is agony, I whimpered, I'm so terrified.

"Your lives are all in Chesanto's hand. He has 5 minutes to save each and everyone of you. If he doesn't get to you, then the axe above you will come down and slice you into 2 pieces which will be used in the next stage, and just a cheat, I isn't in Team" after he said that he smiled a toothy grin, showing mostly missing teeth. I cringed once again and silently teared up knowing what pain I was about to suffer.

The time started and the nails began to come down. They kept coming and soon they started to peirce my hand slowly which made it harder for me to not scream. I yelled in agony. After 10 seconds the nails come out quickly and a scared Aaliyah jumped out of the chair. I got up and went to the next one. I slid my hand into the border and the nails came down again. I screamed once again and tears streamed down my face. I was in so much pain. After another 10 seconds Domonique jumped up and joined Aaliyah in watching me suffer. I thought back at the the words that the voodoo doll said. "I isn't in Team". And after I was done I got up and went to the next and screamed out "I ISN'T IN TEAM!" they were both confused and I cringed at the sudden pain as the nail went into the same hole as the others. All of a sudden a big BUZZ sounded and we all jumped. It all happened to fast when we saw Alashah and Daquan's body cut into two and the nail's let up. I got up and weakly walked up to them and said "I isn't in Team" and everything went black

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