Getting started... or getting stopped

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On December 7, 2098, I was heading west, as New Calypso's mapper. It was cold the wind was always blowing, one way or another.I was headed to my home state, Pasleia, to check on how things were going, and to visit my brother, Temple. I was riding a horse, of course, across the frozen land, as I began to approach the mountains The wind began to blow harder, pushing against my wool jacket and my horse's hide. I steered my horse,Night, towards the path, which led through the mountains.

An hour went by, and I finally decided to set up camp for the night, letting Night roam a little as I set up the tent. On these types of trips, I would only eat a little bit for dinners and breakfasts, but have a larger lunch. I sliced a piece of bread and ate it, then I walked outside to tether Night to a stick of wood. After all that was done, I ducked inside the tent and lay down in my sleeping bag. It was an older sleeping bag, one I only used for travel, with my name engraved on it. Soon, everything began to dim, as my eyelids began to fall, and before I knew it, everything was gone, pitch black, and I was launched into unconsciousness.

"BANG BANG BANG!!!" a loud sound rang, and I jerked awake, sitting up. I glanced around, looking for my tent and horse, but all I found was a dark cave, all my supplies stowed away and the noise of my horse outside.

"You must know who we are," a strange voice said from somewhere in the shadows.

"No, I don't know who you are, and if you would kindly let me go on my way, that would be much appreciated.

"Well then, I'm Dianna Black, and I believe I could use your help," the voice- Dianna Black - explained.

"Dianna Black? No, I can be of no use to you, I'm not anything special," I replied, in the calmest voice I could make as my hands shook slightly in my pockets.

"Hmm, I don't believe it. Luna has always been a clever one, I'm sure you're something, one of the important roles, and until you tell me what role you are, you won't be going anywhere," Dianna sneered, glaring at me. I sighed inwardly, groaning.

"Alright then, I'll go back to my corner and continue drawing. It's what I do in my time." I replied, walking back to a small corner and taking out my phone. I began to draw on it, until the guard turned around. Then I switched over to text, and sent Governor Luna a text reading, Luna I've been taken prisoner by Dianna Black, in my trip to Pasleia. It was in the Frangipani Mountains. I quickly switched back to drawing, and began to draw random things, like compass roses, phones, stars, anything really.

"Get up, it's dinner," someone sneered from in front of me. I quickly put my phone away and walked out of the cave, to a little area where they were eating. A black spot was floating in the corner of my eye, and I turned to see a horse, tethered to a pole, waiting and watching. I walked over to it, and instantly noticed the special marking of my horse, Night. I pet her and then a hand grabbed my shoulder, pulling me back. I staggered back, nearly falling as I lost my balance. Dianna dragged me to where they ate, and sat me down. She gave me a slice of bread, which I was fine with, since I could eat more when I got back to my corner. I began to plot my escape during the dinner, planning every detail with care. As night fell on this part of the world, I glanced around to find that only the guard was awake.

"Excuse me, but may I please groom my horse?" I asked, kindly, my bag on my shoulder, with the brush and all my other belongings.

"Let me check your bag first," the guard replied, noticing that it was slung over my shoulder. I took it off and gave it to him to search, but the brush and some horse treats was all he found, as I'd pulled out the other bag out, which contained everything else. "Fine, you may groom your horse, but be quick," the guard said, leading me to the horses and letting me into Night's stall. The guard turned around and stood there, waiting. I gave Night a treat and began grooming her. 

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